George W. Bush Timeline

  • International Event

    Mad Cow disese alarms europe
  • National Event

    George bush wins the eletion
  • National event

    FBI agent Robert Hanssen is charged with spying for the russians for 15 years.
  • National event

    Terrorist hijack a plain and carsh inot the world trade center taking down both the twin towers
  • International Event

    in response to september 11th attacks the united states and britian launch bombings on taliban government and al qaeda terrorist camps in Afghanistan.
  • International Event

    united states and russia both make and agreement to cut their nuclear arsenals buy 2/3 in the next ten years.
  • National event

    The space shuttle COLUMBIA explodes killing seven astronauts.
  • International Event

    Baghdad falls to us troops
  • International events

    the united states declares official end to combat operations in iraq
  • International event

    Saddam Hussein is captured by american troops
  • National Event

    NASA announced that it detected signs that water had covered a small carter on mars
  • Natinonal event

    hurricane ivan rages throught the US South
  • National Event

    George bush is relected president after defeating john kerry
  • International event

    enormous tsunami devastates asia killing 200,000