Garza Future Health

  • Period: to

    the 20's

    Health tips:
    Looking at food labels before consuming Routine Health Care:
    Exercising, eating healthy Special topics of concerns:
    Not letting stress from college/work get into my head.
  • Period: to

    the 30's

    Health tips:
    Eating in small proportions Routine Health Care:
    Exercising, eating healthy Special topics of concerns:
    Will start loosing muscle mass
  • Period: to

    the 40's

    Health tips:
    Avoid greasy food Routine Health Care:
    Always make time to see a doctor. Special topics of concerns:
    Keep getting blood tests to make sure everything is in check
  • Period: to

    the 50's

    Health tips:
    Eating small and more regular meals Routine Health Care:
    Eating lots of vegetables Special topics of concerns:
    Bones will start deteriorating
  • Period: to

    the 60's

    Health tips:
    Not skipping meals Routine Health Care:
    Treat skin like you are still a teenager. Special topics of concerns:
    Don’t over excercise