
  • Steve Jobs is born.

    Steve Jobs is born.
    Stephen Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Fransisco, California.
  • Apple I is released for $666.66

    Apple I is released for $666.66
    The Apple I was the first computer made by Apple, discontinued just over a year later.
  • Apple broadcasts their first television commercial.

    Apple broadcasts their first television commercial.
    Titled "1984," Apple's Super Bowl commercial was the first step in a long career of advertisement for the company.
  • The Macintosh is released.

    The Macintosh is released.
    The Macintosh was the first desktop computer to include a mouse and graphical user interface.
  • Jobs is fired from his company, apparently "bad for Apple."

    Jobs is fired from his company, apparently "bad for Apple."
    On May 24, 1985 a board meeting was held on which they decided that Jobs was no longer good for the company.
  • October 24, 1985 - Jobs founds NeXT.

    October 24, 1985 - Jobs founds NeXT.
    After released from Apple, not five months later Jobs establishes a new computer company under the name of NeXT.
  • NeXT buy Pixar.

    NeXT buy Pixar.
    Pixar then releases Toy Story with Jobs credited as executive producer.
  • The first iPhone is released.

    "This changes everything" -- the official slogan for the iPhone 1.
  • Steve Jobs dies.

    Steve Jobs dies.
    Kept a secret from the public, Jobs had been suffering from pancreatic cancer for years. His last words as he gazed off into the distance? "Oh, wow."