
Galileo Galilei

  • Feb 18, 1564

    Galileo is born in Pisa

  • Jan 1, 1574

    Galileo and his family move to Florence

  • Jun 1, 1581

    Galileo enrolls in the University of Pisa to gain a degree in medicine

  • Galileo leaves the University of Pisa without any degree

  • Galileo hired as a math teacher at the University of Pisa

  • Galileo's father dies

  • Galileo continues to teach in Pisa and in that time, makes his famous velocity experiment

  • Galileo takes post at the University of Padua

  • Invents a pump driven by horses.

  • Invents a "geometric and military compass," also known as a sector

  • Begins to have a relationship with Marina Gamba.

  • Galileo's first daughter, Virginia, is born in Padua by Marina Gamba

  • Galileo's second daughter, Livia, is born by Marina

  • His machine to lift water is tried in the garden of the Contarini house in Padua.

  • Galileo observes the new star,supernova, for the first time

  • Birth of Galileo's third child, a son

  • News of the invention of the telescope reaches Italy so Galileo develops his own

  • Galileo makes his first observations using his telescope, discovers uneven surface of the moon.

  • Galileo discovers four moons orbiting Jupiter

  • Galileo leaves Padua to take a new, more lucrative position in Tuscany

  • Galileo travels to Rome, where he meets the Jesuit astronomers and Pope Paul V

  • Father Tommasso Caccini denounces Galileo to the Inquisition

  • Cardinal Bellarmine orders Galileo to cease in his support of heliocentricity

  • Galileo leaves Rome

  • Galileo goes to Rome

  • Cardinal Bellarmine dies

  • Galileo's, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, is published in Florence

  • Urban VIII becomes Pope; Galileo visits him in Rome

  • Galileo's, The Assayer, is published thanks to Urban VIII's approval

  • Galileo starts working on Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems

  • Galileo finishes his work on the Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems in Florence

  • Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems is published in Florence

  • Inquisition bans anymore printing of the Dialogue

  • Galileo summoned to Rome

  • Galileo arrives in Rome

  • Galileo is interrogated and is sent to be imprisoned in the Vatican for three weeks.

  • Galileo is interrogated again, and is allowed to return to the home of the Tuscan ambassador

  • The goes to his third interrogation where he begs for mercy.

  • He goes to his final interrogation.

  • Galileo is charged for heresy, forced to say his errors, and is sentenced to imprisonment for a period that they were allowed to decide.

  • Galileo is allowed to return to the village of Arcetri and lives under house arrest

  • Galileo's eyesight begins to give out.

  • Galileo's Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences is published in Holland.

  • Death of Galileo