GAA Timeline

  • The sport currently known as Gaelic was first played.

  • The GAA was formed by Michael Cusak, Maurice Davin, John Wyse Power, John McKay, J.K Bracken, Joseph O'Ryan and Thomas St. George McCarthy.

  • The Senior Football Championship was first played in 1888 and won by Limerick who beat Louth

  • When the GAA was first indroduced it was 17 a-side and it was 5 points for a goal.

  • The value of goal was reduced to 3 points from 5.

  • Gaelic was proposed as a sport for the 1904 St Louis Summer Olympics.

  • The Tailteann games come to Ireland. The Tailteann games are held to promote and irish culture and state

  • The Senior Footbal Championship is named after Sam Maguire, who was an Irish Republican who played for London Hibernian, leading them to several Senior Football Championships from 1900 to 1904

  • In 1928 the Sam Maguire Cup was presented to the GAA following the death of Sam Maguire in 1927. At the time it cost £300, equivalent to over £25,000 now.

  • The first ever Sam Maguire Cup was won by Kildare who beat Clare

  • All-Ireland is played out of Ireland for the first time. This being held outside of Ireland shows how big the sport is.

  • In hope of making the sport big in Britain the GAA play Gaelic matches in Wembely

  • The first televised Gaelic match on RTE. This development is very big,as without this people all over Ireland could not have watched it if they couldnt have made the game.

  • The Hunger Strikes caused a split between the north and the south making a big impact on the GAA. It effected the clubs and the counties in the north from competing.

  • GAA celebrates its centenary.

  • The first Gaelic jersey is sponsored by 'KERSTEN' on the Down Jerseys.

  • Redevelopment planning application for Croke Park

  • Redevelopment planning approved for Croke Park

  • Rule 21 is abolished. This means British security forces can joing the GAA.

  • Croke Park is officially opened. It has the capacity of 83,000. This shows the growth of the GAA and the demands people have to watch the sport.

  • Winter Training Ban was adopted in 2007 to stop county teams from training collectively over the 2 winter months, the goal of this rule is to stop players from burning out due to too much training and not enough rest.

  • GAA celebrates 125th anniversary.

  • Introduction of Hawkeye, Due to controversial decisions regarding scores, the introduction of Hawkeye in Croke Park, first introduced for senior football championship games in 2013, was a huge development for the sport.

  • Gumshield become compulsory to all age groups to reduce facial injuries.

  • Sky Sports and the GAA make a 20 game deal and to show the All Ireland Finals for the next 3 years.

  • GAA world games is introduced by Ehtiad and is played on August 7th 2016.

  • The Saturday half day was introduced. This gave workers a chance to have time for sports and gave others workers time to get to venues to support their selected team.