Mac linux windows

Operacijski sustavi

By jsukser
  • CTSS

    The Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS), was one of the first time-sharing operating systems; it was developed at the MIT Computation Center. CTSS was first demonstrated on MIT's IBM 709 in November 1961; service to MIT users began in the summer of 1963 and was operated until 1973[1]. During part of this time, MIT's influential Project MAC also ran a CTSS service, but the system did not spread beyond these two sites.
  • BBN Time sharing system

    BBN Time sharing system
    The BBN Time-Sharing System was an early time-sharing system created at Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) for the PDP-1 computer. It began operation in September 1962.
  • Titan

    Titan was the prototype of the Atlas 2 computer developed by Ferranti and the University of Cambridge Mathematical Laboratory in Cambridge, England. It was designed starting in 1963, and in operation from 1964 to 1973.
  • Scope

    SCOPE, an acronym for Supervisory Control Of Program Execution, was the name used by the Control Data Corporation for a number of operating system projects in the 1960s.
  • ITS

    Incompatible Timesharing System (ITS) is a time-sharing operating system developed principally by the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, with help from Project MAC. The name is the jocular complement of the MIT Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS).
  • Unix

    Unix (/ˈjuːnɪks/; trademarked as UNIX) is a family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that derive from the original AT&T Unix, development starting in the 1970s at the Bell Labs research center by Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, and others.
  • CP/M

    CP/M je skraćenica engleske složenice Control Program for Microcomputers i ime je za operacijski sustav kojeg je bila razvila američka tvrtka Digital Research. CP/M je bio jako raširen u kasnim 70-im i 80-im godinama 20. stoljeća. CP/M je bio je prvi proglašen industrijskim standardom za operacijske sustave.
  • MVS

    Multiple Virtual Storage, more commonly called MVS, was the most commonly used operating system on the System/370 and System/390 IBM mainframe computers. It was developed by IBM, but is unrelated to IBM's other mainframe operating systems, e.g., VSE, VM, TPF.

    TRSDOS (which stood for the Tandy Radio Shack Disk Operating System) is the operating system for the Tandy TRS-80 line of 8-bit Zilog Z80 microcomputers that were sold through Radio Shack through the late 1970s and early 1980s. Tandy's manuals recommended that it be pronounced triss-doss. TRSDOS should not be confused with Tandy DOS, a version of MS-DOS licensed from Microsoft for Tandy's x86 line of personal computers (PCs).
  • Apple dos

    Apple dos
    Apple DOS is the family of disk operating systems for the Apple II series of microcomputers from late 1978 through early 1983. It was superseded by ProDOS in 1983. Apple DOS has three major releases: DOS 3.1, DOS 3.2, and DOS 3.3; each one of these three releases was followed by a second, minor "bug-fix" release, but only in the case of Apple DOS 3.2 did that minor release receive its own version number, Apple DOS 3.2.1.

    XENIX is a discontinued version of the UNIX operating system for various microcomputer platforms, licensed by Microsoft from AT&T Corporation in the late 1970s. The Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) later acquired exclusive rights to the software, and eventually replaced it with SCO UNIX (now known as SCO OpenServer).
  • Pro dos

    Pro dos
    ProDOS is the name of two similar operating systems for the Apple II series of personal computers. The original ProDOS, renamed ProDOS 8 in version 1.2, is the last official operating system usable by all 8-bit Apple II series computers, and was distributed from 1983 to 1993.[citation needed] The other, ProDOS 16, was a stop-gap solution for the 16-bit Apple IIgs that was replaced by GS/OS within two years.[1]
  • Classic Mac os

    Classic Mac os
    Classic Mac OS is the series of operating systems developed for the Macintosh family of personal computers by Apple Inc. from 1984 to 2001, starting with System 1 and ending with Mac OS 9.
  • Windows 1.0

    Windows 1.0
    Windows 1.0 je 16-bitni grafički operacijski sustav objavljen 20. studenog 1985. Ovo je Microsoftov prvi pokušaj u uvođenju multi-taskinga u grafičko korisničko sučelje operacijskih sustava na PC platformi. Windows 1.0 je bila prva inačica Windowsa ikad prestavljena. Ovu inačicu je nasljedio Windows 2.0, dok je inačica 1.0 obustavljena 31. prosinca 2001.
  • Windows 2.0

    Windows 2.0
    Windows 2.0 je 16-bitni Microsoft Windows operacijski sustav objavljen 9. prosinca 1987.[1] i nasljednik je sustava Windows 1.0. S Windows 2.1x u 1998. godini, Windows 2.0 je nadopunjen s Windows/286 i Windows/386. Windows 2.0, Windows/286 i Windows/386 su zamjenjeni sustavom Windows 3.0 u svibnju 1990., al i dalje podržani od strane Microsoft-a 14 godina nakon objavljivanja (do 31. prosinca 2001.)
  • windows 3.0

    windows 3.0
    Windows 3.0 je treće glavno izdanje operacijskog sustava Microsoft Windowsa, izašlo na tržište 22. svibnja 1990. Postao je prva u širem krugu uspješna verzija Windowsa i moćan suparnik Appleovom Macintoshu i Commodoreovoj Amigi na području grafičkog korisničkog okruženja.
  • Linux kernel

    Linux kernel
    The Linux kernel is a free and open-source, monolithic, Unix-like operating system kernel. The Linux family of operating systems is based on this kernel and deployed on both traditional computer systems such as personal computers and servers, usually in the form of Linux distributions,[7] and on various embedded devices such as routers, wireless access points, PBXes, set-top boxes, FTA receivers, smart TVs, PVRs, and NAS appliances.
  • Linux

    Linux je ime za jezgru (engl. kernel) računalnog operacijskog sustava sličnog Unixu, ali najčešće i za cijeli operacijski sustav baziran na toj jezgri. Linux je dobio ime po svom izvornom autoru Linusu Torvaldsu. Prije nego što je Linus Torvalds napravio novu jezgru za Intelov mikroprocesor 80386, operacijski sustavi slični Unixu u pravilu nisu bili primjenjivi ni korišteni za kućnu upotrebu, već samo za istraživačke i uredske poslove.
  • Windows 95

    Windows 95
    Windows 95 je operativni sustav s grafičkim korisničkim sučeljem. Prva verzija izdana je 24. kolovoza 1995. godine. Tijekom njegove izrade predstavljali su ga kao Windows 4.0 i njegovim kodnim imenom Chicago. Windows 95 je stvoren da bi se spojili MS-DOS i Windows proizvodi. Uključivao je napredniju verziju DOS-a koju su zvali MS-DOS 7.0. Windows 95 donio je mnoge promjene u odnosu na Windows 3.1, najviše vidljive na GUI-ju.
  • Mac os 8

    Mac os 8
    Mac OS 8 is an operating system that was released by Apple Computer, Inc. on July 26, 1997.[2] It represents the largest overhaul of the classic Mac OS since the release of System 7, approximately six years before. It emphasizes color more than prior versions. Released over a series of updates, Mac OS 8 represents an incremental integration of many of the technologies which had been developed from 1988 to 1996 for Apple's overly ambitious OS named Copland.
  • Windows 98

    Windows 98
    Windows 98 je Microsoftov grafički operativni sustav izdan 25. lipnja 1998., nasljednik Windowsa 95. Kao i njegov prethodnik, on je hibridni 16-bit/32-bit monolitni proizvod baziran na MS-DOSu.
    Prva verzija Windowsa 98 izdana je pod brojem 4.10.1998, odnosno 4.10.1998A. Windows 98 Second Edition je izdana pod brojem 4.10.2222A, odnosno 4.10.2222B ako je instaliran sa Security CD-a iz Microsofta. Nasljednik Windowsa 98 je Windows Me.
  • mac os 9

    mac os 9
    Mac OS 9 ime je zadnjeg glavnog izdanja Appleovog klasičnog Mac OS operacijskog sustava koje je izašlo 23. listopada 1999. Apple i Steve Jobs smatrali su da je Mac OS 9 "najbolji internetski operacijski sustav ikad",[2] naglašavajući internetske mogućnosti druge inačice Appleovog Sherlock softvera za pretraživanje,[3] integraciju s iTools servisom i poboljšani Open Transport.
  • windows xp

    windows xp
    Windows XP (kodnog imena Whistler) inačica je operacijskog sustava kojeg je razvio Microsoft. Slova XP stoje iza engleske riječi eXPerience što znači iskustvo.
  • Mac os

    Mac os
    macOS (prije Mac OS X, a kasnije OS X) je red operacijskih sustava koje razvija američka tvrtka Apple za svoju Mac obitelj računala. Od 2002., macOS se isporučuje sa svim novim Macintosh računalima. Nasljednik je operacijskog sustava Mac OS 9 objavljenog 1999., posljednje objavljenog klasičnog Mac OS sustava koji je bio Appleov glavni operacijski sustav od 1984.
  • mac os jaguar

    mac os jaguar
    Mac OS X verzija 10.2 "Jaguar" je treće glavno izdanje Mac OS X, Appleovog operativnog sistema za desktope i servere. Ova verzija je imala znatno poboljšanje u brzini, novi i ljepši izgled, te razna druga poboljšanja od prethodne verzije