frenchand indian war

  • Fort Necessity

    Fort Necessity
    Created the French and indian war
  • Period: to

    French and indian war

    Fort Necessity
  • Albany plan of union

    Albany plan of union
    Albany congress failed Iroquois broke off relations with britain
  • Fort Duquesne

    Fort Duquesne
    Braddock and his forces get defeated by the french and the indians at fort Duquesne
  • 1755 Br. Decides to Eliminate Fr. Presence in No. Amer.

    1755 Br. Decides to Eliminate Fr. Presence in No. Amer.
    Edward Braddock evicts thefrench from the ohio valley
  • lake george

    lake george
    Johson and hendrik win at Lake george
  • English declare war

    English declare war
    English declare war on the french
  • louisbourg

    General Jeffery Amherst takes over louisbourg
  • Fort Niagara

    Fort Niagara
    the Iroquois and the english soldiers take over Fort Niagara
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    English won the battle at Fort Quebec Wolfe and Montcalm were killed
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treqty of Paris ended the French and indian war