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French & Indian war - Declaration of Independence

By Ruparon
  • End of the French & Indian War

    End of the French & Indian War
    Britian conducted new acts: Sugar, Stamp, and Townshend acts. This was a post consenquence of the war. This was also the end of salutary neglect. (1763-1767)
  • Noninportation Agreements

    Noninportation Agreements
    This was associations that made an agreement to boycott. Was lead by the Sons of Liberty & The Whig Party. The first continental congrees created noninpoty and nonexport comittees.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    Durring the Boston Massacre, the death of 5 colonists by british regulars took place. One reason for the killing was the tax burdens due to the townshend act made after the French & Indian War.
  • The Tea Act

    The Tea Act
    The Tea Act forced colonists to pay taxes on tea that they did not approve of. The tea was exported from Britian and imported to North America, Although tax imposed by the townshend act remained, forcing upon the citizens. This is a big part pf mercantilism when a england forces an unequal law for resentment.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Due to the Tea act in early 1773, The colonists refused to send back 3 shiploads of tea to the parliment. They destroyed the tea by disposing of it in the harbors of Boston. This was a political protest conducted by the Sons of Liberty. This event was key to the growth of the American Revolution. This was a big part of salutary neglect where the colonists show resistance towards the overal control of the colonies.
  • Enforcment Acts A.K.A Intolerable Acts

    Enforcment Acts A.K.A Intolerable Acts
    Name for the series of laws passed by the british parliment as a response to the Boston Tea Party. This law was a hope to stop the trend of resistance towards the parlimentary authority. This began with the stamp act (1765).
  • First continental Congress

    First continental Congress
    The first meeting was located at Carpenter's Hall in Philidelphia, Pennslyvaina. Between the 13 colonies, 12 met to construct a repeal against the coercive act (AKA the Intolerable Act). After the congress, the delegates sudgested that each colony must set up and train their own militia.
  • Battle of Lexington & concord

    Battle of Lexington & concord
    This was the first battle fought durring the revolutionary war. It was located in middlesex county, Massachusetts. It also was between the two towns Lexington and Concord, thus giving the battle its name. The militia's were out numbered until Smith's expedition arived with more numbers off men. They then marched through Boston and reaching safty in Charleston.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress
    This Congress was a debate between the 12 colonies again, with out Georgia. They met In Pennsylvania to move further in to the independence from great Britan.
  • Battle of bunker hill

    Battle of bunker hill
    This battle was early in the Revolutionary war, around Breed's Hill. Therefore, it is also refered to as the Battle of Breed's Hill. William Prescot currently held Bunker hill along with 1200 intelegent colonial troops. After two purges, the british took over bunker hill, the colonial troops retreated back to Cambridge after the loss of the bunker hill.
  • Thomas Paine's: Common Sense

    Thomas Paine's: Common Sense
    The book was first published anonymously, only credit was "Written by an English man.". It became very popular exstreamly quick and was the largest sale in book publishing. The book's message pertained to the colonist's freedom from great britan. The book relied on biblical references and used very common terms to appeal to the common man. Gordon S. Wood, a historian, commented on Common Sense as, "the most incendiary and popular pamphlet of the entire revolutionary era."
  • The Declaration Of independence

    The Declaration Of independence
    After the argumentive book by Thomas Paine, Common Sense, the delaration of independence was constucted to declare America's independence from Great Britan. Although Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration, it was based on the ideas of the political philosopher John Locke.