Wilderness 1000

French & British War

  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was a young military officer, who fought with British forces and against the French. They were fighting for lands in the west of the Appalchian mountains.
  • Period: to

    French & British War

  • Six nations

    Six nations
    Native americans later joined or were conquered by the Iroquois. After the Tuscarora joined in 1722, the english referred to the confederaacy as the six nations.
  • fur trades

    fur trades
    Hostilty between the two forces grew. British fur trdaes built a fort at a place called Pickawillany. Acting quickly, the French attacked Pickawillany and drove the British traders out of Ohio.
  • British moved

    British moved
    the Iroquois came under greater preasure as the british moved to the Ohio valley
  • Virginians

    A group of Virginians had plans for settling the ohio valley. In the fall of 1753, governer RobertDinwiddie of Virginia sent a surveyor named George Washington into the Ohio country.
  • Dinwiddie

    Dinwiddie made Washinton a lieutenant colonel. He then sent Washington back to the Ohio country with Militia - a group of civilians trianed to fight in emergencies - of 150 men.
  • New york

    New york
    Meanwhile, representatives from seveal colonies met in Albany, New york, in June1754 to discuss the threa of war. They wanted to find a way to defend themselves against the French.