Fand i war cc

French and Indian War By Cherokee Collier

  • Albany accepts Franklin's plan

    Albany accepts Franklin's plan
    This was the first ever cartoon written by Benjamin Franklin. Each cut is a different state. The head being New England and the tale being South Carolina.
  • Washington surrenders Fort Necessity

    Washington surrenders Fort Necessity
    The Battle at Fort Necessity was also called The Battle of the Great Meadows. This war resulted in the Seven Year War.
  • English are defeated by French and Indians at Fort Duquense

    English are defeated by French and Indians at Fort Duquense
    Their defear was called Braddock's defeat, Braddock's campaign, and The Braddock expedition.
  • Lake George

    Lake George
    The battle was fought north of New York state. This was battle was supposedly part of a campaign to get the French out of america.
  • 6,000 Acadians are expelled from Nova Scotia.

    6,000 Acadians are expelled from Nova Scotia.
    They were literally torn from their homes during the Great Expulsion.
  • English declares war on the French in Europe

    English declares war on the French in Europe
    They fought the Seven Year war because they each had land and on either side was a piece of land along the ohio river valley. They both wanted to claim it so they fought.
  • General Amherst capture Louisbourg

    General Amherst capture Louisbourg
    The Battle of Louisbourg took place near the eastern seaboard of Canada. The war took place during the Seven Year War.
  • English and Iroqouis capture Fort Niagra

    English and Iroqouis capture Fort Niagra
    Fort Niagra was built to protect Fort Niagra. It was built in 1678.
  • English wins the Quebec Battle

    English wins the Quebec Battle
    The battle of quebec was fought during the French and Indian War. The british army had around 8,000 troops.
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was also known as the Peace of Paris. It was signed on Feburary tenth. The treaty did not contain Austria or Prussia.