The French and Indian war

  • The Battle of Fort Oswego

    The Battle of Fort Oswego
    During only one week the French won a series of battles against the British.After killing the British colonel James Mercer, the British surrendered. The picture is from
  • Massacre at Fort William Henry

    Massacre at Fort William Henry
    The French captured the fort because they had help from the Native Americans.About 150 British soldiers where killed. I found this picture on
  • The battle of fort Duquesne

    The battle of fort Duquesne
    The battle of fort Duquesne was was when the British attacked the French, and won.They rebuilt the fort naming it fort Pitt and it is now Pittsburgh. The picture is from:
  • Pontiac's Rebellion

    Pontiac's Rebellion
    The Native American groups were mad at the British because they had settled on there land.The Native American groups responded by killing and attacking every British fort west of the Appalachians.
  • The battle of Quebec

    The battle of Quebec
    The battle of Quebec was when the British attacked Quebec the capital of France.The British found a path that was not guarded In the morning they attacked and the french surrendered,this was called the turning point of the war because the British took the French capital. I found the picture on:
  • The Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is when the British and the French signed a document saying The Revolutionary War is over. Britain claimed all of North America east of the Mississippi River and France gave Spain New Orleans and Louisiana.This treaty ended French power in North America.