French and Indian War

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

  • French build Fort Duquesne

    French build Fort Duquesne
    The French built Fort Duquesne after they captured the site from the British. Controlling this site allowed the French to control the Ohio Valley. A year later in 1755, General Edward Braddock led a force and ambushed the fort. The Frnech proceeded to burn down their own fort while they retreated. The British rebuilt the fort as their own named Fort Pitt.
  • Battle of Fort Necessity

    Battle of Fort Necessity
    Fort Necessity was built on the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers. The fort was only 40 miles south from Fort Duquesne. The fort was to maintain control over the Ohio Valley area. The Frenc saw this as a tyhreat and along with their Native American allies attacked Fort Necessity. When George Washington and his men all ran out of ammunition, they had to surrender. They were allowed to march off wiht the honor of war, afterwards the French burned Fort Necessity to the ground.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    The Albany Plan of Union was a plan in order to put the British North American colonies under a more unified government. Representatives from seven of the thirteen British North Amerian colonies adopted the plan. The first plan they came up with was important, but was never followed. The idea of the plan was to form whole and collective in unity under one government. The included colonies were Maryland, Pennslyvania, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.
  • Battle of Fort Duquesne

    Battle of Fort Duquesne
    The Battle of Fort Duquesne was a British assult. Captain McDonald and his men charged Fort Duquesne with drums beating and pipes playing all for a decoy. Meanwhile, 400 frenchmen were lying in wait to attack the force brought on my Capt. McDonald. The French and Indian force was much larger and faster than expected. Due to this they quickly overran their attackers.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The Battle of Quebec was a short battle. The figth only lasted approximatly 15 minutes. General James Wolfe successfully led a resistance against the French and Canadian militia. The French ended up evacuating the city due to increasing pressure from the British. Quebec was captured by the British and they would not release their hold on the fort. James Wolfe led around 7700 men. They arrived on a fleet of 49 ships and 140 smaller craft led by Admiral Charles Saunders
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the end of the Rench and Indian War.The British gained control over the area west of the colonies to the Mississippi River. The French agreed to no longer support any colonies in North America and Canada. Spain was in the war on the French side, they also had to give up Florida. However, the treaty was not accepted by the British people, King George lll and his ministers liked the treaty. The treaty set the colonists on their own paths towards wanting independence.
  • George Grenville Becomes the Prime Minister

    George Grenville Becomes the Prime Minister
    George Grenville was originally an English who developed the policy of taxing the American colonies. His Revenue Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765 were two causes that led to the American Revolution
  • Pontiacs Rebellion

    Pontiacs Rebellion
    An alliance of Native Americans under Ottawa chief Pontiac attacked a British force at Detroit. They failed to take the fort like they originally wanted to, they cut off all essential supplies to the British. The plan was to seize the nearest fort, then join forces and wipe out every undefended settlements. When Pontiac finally signed a peace treaty in 1766, he was killed 3 years later by a Peoria Indian which caused war and the Peoria Indians were nearly wiped out.
  • British Parliament passes the Proclamation of 1763

    British Parliament passes the Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation made it that no colonists could move into the native American lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. This kept peace with the Native Americans because they weren't losing land. Also, the colonists that had colonized in the Ohio valley area and beyond to abandon their homes and move back east.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    England had decided that since they fought in America during the French and Indian War, that the Americans
    should help pay for the cost of the war. All sugar and or molasses that came into the colonies would be heavily taxed. The taxation was an old version that was about to expire but it was renewed and worsened.
  • WIlliam Pitt Becomes the British Prime Minsiter

    WIlliam Pitt Becomes the British Prime Minsiter
    William Pitt was invited by the king to form a new government. He was twenty four years old he became the prime minister of Britain. The House of Commins just laughed at Pitt when they found out he was going to form a new government. Pitt had a very hard time recruiting members to join his government. After managing to build up popularity in Britain, he called a general election on March 24th, 1784.William Pitt won the election