French and indian war

  • George washington travels to ohio

    George washington travels to ohio
    George Washington leaves for Williamsburg Virginia for Ohio Valley. Robert Dinwiddie has sent George Washington to order the French to abandon the forts they are building between Lake Erie and the Forks of the Ohio River.
  • George Washington beats the French

    George Washington beats the French
    George Washington returned to Ohio Valley with a squad of Virginia troops that beats a French group near the Great Meadows. After the battle George Washington's Indian allies, led by the Seneca chief, attack French captives, killing the French commander.
  • George wahington suurends at fort Necessity

    George wahington suurends at fort Necessity
    A French force of 700 plus ambushes George Washington and his troops at Fort Necessity because of the massacre at the Great Meadows.
  • Battle of the Monongahela

    Battle of the Monongahela
    Edward Braddock is shot and his force of British regulars and provincial troops is beat.
  • Fort Frontenac

    Fort Frontenac
    British forces take Fort Frontenac at Lake Ontario, making disrupting French supply lines even easier.
  • The Treaty of Easton

    The Treaty of Easton
    The Treaty of Easton is when the british signed a contract with a lot of different indian nation like the iroquoes and ohio indains making them much stronger.
  • Fort Duquesne

    Fort Duquesne
    The French leave and destroy Duquesne. The French realizes that the fort will be overrun by John Forbes's force men especially after the Ohio Indians, France's former allies, sign a peace treaty with the British.
  • plains of Adraham

    plains of Adraham
    James Wolfe a british general brings a force of British troops to Quebec and attacks the city trought the the Plains of Abraham. The general James Wolfe dies in this battle.
  • Treaty of paris

    Treaty of paris
    It was Signed on 3 November 1762. This starts the end of the war.
  • end of french and indian war

    end of french and indian war
    The Treaty of Paris is in affect ending the French and Indian War.