Franks Timeline

By jtc2519
  • Period: 200 to 250

    Emergence of the Frankish People

    In the first half of the 3rd century, Franks emerged from Germanic tribes. They settld in Lower Germany and later moved to as far as northern Spain.
  • Period: 200 to

    Role of Charlemagne

    Charlemagne was a Frank ruler in the 8th century. After rsing to power, he used military force to unite much of Europe. Inspired by the Roman Empire, he was very strict and ordered all subjects to convert to Christianity. He promoted education and culture, which led to the Carolingian Renaissance.
  • Period: 260 to

    Clashes with Rome

    The Fankish people start skirmishes with Rome, gaining and losing territory. Eventually, Rome allows the Franks to settle, who over time settle down to lay the foundations for an empire in the Netherlands region.
  • 534

    The Empire Splits Up

    Clovis I divides his kingdom between his sons, who frequently clashed and fought over territory and power. However, as outside threats presented themselves, such as Burgandy and other foergn states, they united themselves to defeat them and protect the Frankish Empire. Frankish Empire Splits Up
  • 534

    Conquest of Burgandy

    The Merovingian dynasty captures Burgandy after a long struggle with the neighboring state. Picture of Conquest of Burgandy
  • Mar 16, 752

    The Merovingian Dynasty Falls

    Picture of Merovingian Dynasty
    The Mirovingian dynasty falls as Pope Zachary disposes Childeric III, starting the Carolingian dynasty.
  • Clovis I Unites Frankish Empire

    Clovis I starts a campaign that eventually leads to the start of the Frankish Empire, centered in Paris. Picture of Clovis I
  • Frankish Invasion of Itlay

    Picture of Frankish Weapons
    Franks, seeing the weakness created by the Gothic War, disregarded all treaties and agreements, and rushed in to attack as the state was weakened.
  • Charlemagne

    Picture of Charlemagne
    Charlemagne ascends to the throne of the empire.