foreign affairs

  • Jay Treaty||George Washington

    Jay Treaty||George Washington
    Established a trety with Great Britain after revolutionary war.
  • Treaty of Mortefontaine||John Adams

    Treaty of Mortefontaine||John Adams
    treaty to settle disputes between U.S. and France during Quasi-War
  • Louisiana Purchase||Thomas Jefferson

    Louisiana Purchase||Thomas Jefferson
    France sold the Louisiana territory to finance their war.
  • Clayton-Bulwer Treaty||Zachary Taylor

    Clayton-Bulwer Treaty||Zachary Taylor
    Treaty negotiated for the Nicaragua Canal
  • Kanagawa Treaty||Franklin Pierce

    Kanagawa Treaty||Franklin Pierce
    U.S. and japan treaty giving sailors safety.
  • Boxer Rebellion||William McKinley

    Boxer Rebellion||William McKinley
    Rebellion in Asia opposing foreign influrences.
  • Big Stick Diplomacy||Theodore Roosevelt

    Big Stick Diplomacy||Theodore Roosevelt
    Idea of asking politely with massive force awaiting.
  • Veracruz Incident||Woodrow Wilson

    Veracruz Incident||Woodrow Wilson
    U.S. Occupies Varecruz which starts a battle that lasts several months.
  • Dawes Plan||Calvin Coolidge

    Dawes Plan||Calvin Coolidge
    An attempt after WWI to collect debt from Germany.
  • Neutrality Act of 1937||Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Neutrality Act of 1937||Franklin D. Roosevelt
    A pledge to stay nuetral in WWI but quickly passed and we joined the war.
  • Casablanca Conference||Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Casablanca Conference||Franklin D. Roosevelt
    Assembly held to decide next move for WWII
  • Marshall Plan||Harry Truman

    Marshall Plan||Harry Truman
    A plan to give aid in Europe after WWII
  • SEATO||Dwight D. Eisenhower

    SEATO||Dwight D. Eisenhower
    Plan in south eastern asia for international defence.
  • Alliance for Progress||John F. Kennedy

    Alliance for Progress||John F. Kennedy
    An attempt to establish relations between Latin America and U.S.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution||Lyndon Johnson

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution||Lyndon Johnson
    Gave Lyndon Johnson permision to use the military without permission of congress.
  • SALT||Richard Nixon

    SALT||Richard Nixon
    Talks telivised on the discussion of control of armament
  • Camp David Accords||Jimmy Carter

    Camp David Accords||Jimmy Carter
    a Series of secret meetings leading to peace in Egypt.
  • Iran-Contra Affair||Ronald Reagan

    Iran-Contra Affair||Ronald Reagan
    Weapons were traded for 7 U.S. hostages between Iran and U.S.
  • 9/11||George H.W. Bush

     9/11||George H.W. Bush
    Terrorist attack against U.S. where two planes suicided into twin towers.
  • Persian Gulf War||George H.W. Bush

    Persian Gulf War||George H.W. Bush
    War against Iraq because of Iraq's annexation of Kuwait