
Foreign Affairs

  • Invades Kuwait

    Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, during George H.W. Bush was in term.Countires like Saudi Arabia, and Egypt asked the US and the international community for help.
  • Operation Desrert Storm

    This operation took 42 days of attacks but was very sucsessful
  • United Nations Withdraw

    The UN asked Iraq if they could withdraw.
  • Hussein Defies Orders

    Hussein Defies Orders
    Hussein does not comply with the US, and defies their orders and requests form Saudi Arabia,and egypt.
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    This date began Poeration Desert Storm. The operation Desert Storm. This operation consisted of -- stealth bombers, crusie missiles, and smart bombs.
  • Desert Storm: Ground Attacks

    The ground offensives began, known as operation Desert Sabre
  • Samalia

    The united states involvement began. 1992-1994
  • UN Resolution

    UN resolutions. They authorized humanitarian relief effort, and to establish operations. The wanted the US to help deliver supplies.
  • Troops Arrive

    US arrive in Mogadisu to help secure the area
  • Aidid Attack

    Aidid Attack
    Aidid gets bold and starts to attack soilders, inculding 4 western journalists are killed and were displayed for all to see. And the Us attacked by helocopter.