football inavations

  • soft leather healmet

    soft leather healmet
    []( soft leather, and vary thin padding
  • the football

    the football
    []( first foofball was made of leather wraped in pigs bladder
  • Shoulder pads

    []( were first made of peices of leather sown together
  • Face mask

    []( created the first facemask
  • Turf football feild

    []( Faria and Robert Wright invented astroturf.It was first instaled at Moses Brown school in Rhode Island
  • Reciver gloves

    []( with grip as the matirial
  • first down tv marker

    []( W. Crain introduced the first down tv marker to football
  • callapsible goalpost

    [new york](new york goalpoast can bd taken down in 1 minute
  • smart healmets

    []( gear with sensors that measure head trauma
  • smart chinstrap

    the chinstrap can figure out wen you are hurt and change colors