Five Key Historical Events in Public Education.

  • Educating Women: The Massachusetts School Law of 1642

    Educating Women: The Massachusetts School Law of 1642
    This was a turning point in education as it was the first law that required girls to be educated as well as boys. This event has helped to pave the way to our current K-12 public education system as it opened the door for females to have the opportunity to get an education. Though this law may be seen in the positive light, as it promoted education for both genders, it shows how challenging it is to overcome misogyny as we continue to see discrimination in this regard today.
  • The Secular Mandate

    The Secular Mandate
    This event has given our current education system the freedom to encourage diverse citizenry; enable students to express themselves on important public issues; foster independent thinking; establish a common core of knowledge, morality, and patriotism; and promote literacy, and informed public opinion. This is also the reason we have free, common, public, tax-supported, nonsectarian schools today.
  • Universal Public Schooling

    Universal Public Schooling
    Without the establishment of universal public schooling our current K-12 public education systems may not promote a common national experience, non-American students may not have a sense of belonging, and prejudices may be even more prevalent in today's curricula. Universal public schooling has given students of diverse backgrounds the opportunity to receive an education and share a common identity. However, this has also lead to a new sector of oppression and restriction in our current system.
  • The Coleman Reports and "Effective Schools" Research

    The Coleman Reports and "Effective Schools" Research
    Because of this event, our current K-12 public education system places emphasis upon student achievement, rather than school facilities as the indication of public school quality. Schools are able to make a difference and possibly even overcome the many obstacles and oppressing characteristics that a students’ family life can create and help to bridge the gap between American and African-American academic success. As a result, students from all backgrounds have the opportunity to succeed today.
  • Providing Free and Appropriate Education for Children With Disabilities

    Providing Free and Appropriate Education for Children With Disabilities
    This key event has paved the road for students with disabilities to have fair, free, and appropriate educational opportunities in our current K-12 public schooling system. These special children are given educational services which help to promote equality and foster academic development. Modern public schools encourage students to learn in regular classrooms whenever possible and make every effort to ensure that the children with disabilities’ are set up for success and that their needs be met.