Física Equipo 1 423

  • 624 BCE

    Tales de Mileto 624-548 A.C.

    Tales de Mileto 624-548 A.C.
    Discoveries such as magnetite are attributed to him, which gives way to the magnetic properties of the mineral. He is also considered the first Greek philosopher who tries to give a physical explanation to the universe.
  • 384 BCE

    Aristóteles 384-322 A.C.

    Aristóteles 384-322 A.C.
    Developer of Aristotelian physics, a theory that includes the four elements and the ether which have an established place by their relative weight, he also spoke of movement, geocentrism, etc...
  • 1473

    Nicolás Copérnico 1473-1543

    Nicolás Copérnico 1473-1543
    He was the one who formulated the heliocentric theory of the solar system, thus ending obscurantism and Aristotelian ideas. He also contributed with the theory of the three movements and changed the theory of gravity.
  • 1564

    Galileo Galilei 1564-1642

    Galileo Galilei 1564-1642
    Born in Pisa, Italy.
    -1609-1610 Galileo builds a telescope to observe the sun, moon, planets and stars, in 1610 he discovered 4 moons around Jupiter.
    -1623 Galileo published “The assayer” a discussion of the physical reality and the scientific method of exploring it.
  • René Descartes 1596-1650

    René Descartes  1596-1650
    Born in La Haye, Touraine, France.
    -1644 “The Principles of Philosophy was published, which focused on the laws of physics and expanded on the Discourse on Method, it focused on the mechanist belief of the universe
  • Isaac Newton 1642-1726

    Isaac Newton 1642-1726
    Born in Woolsthorpe, England.
    -1687 In his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica he formulated the three principles of motion and a fourth Law of Universal Gravitation, which transformed the the world of physics; all phenomena could be seen in a mechanical way.
  • Charles Augustin de Coulomb 1734- 1806

    Charles Augustin de Coulomb 1734- 1806
    1785- He wrote mathematically the law of attraction of electric charges. He also did much research on magnetism, friction, and electricity. He also invented the torsion balance to measure the force of attraction or repulsion of electrical charges.
  • Simon Ohm 1789-1854

    Simon Ohm 1789-1854
    1827-He contributed Ohm's law to the theory of electricity. He studied the relationship between intensity of an electric current, its electromotive force and resistance.
  • Michael Faraday 1791-1867

    Michael Faraday 1791-1867
    1821- He studied electromagnetism and electrochemistry, discovering electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis.
  • Ernest Rutherford 1871-1937

    Ernest Rutherford 1871-1937
    Born in Brightwater, New Zealand
    He discovered Alpha and beta rays, postulated the nuclear structure of the atom
  • Albert Einstein 1879-1955

    Albert Einstein 1879-1955
    Born in Ulm, Germany
    Postulate the theory of relativity
    Equation E=MC²
    Brownian movement
  • Niels Bohr 1885-1962

    Niels Bohr 1885-1962
    Born in Copenhagen, Denmark
    made the fundamental contributions of the structure of the atom (the bohr model of atom)
  • Peter Higgs 1929

    Peter Higgs 1929
    British physicist known for his proposition in the 1960s of symmetry breaking in the electroweak theory,
    This so-called Higgs mechanism predicts the existence of a new particle.
    This particle was dubbed the "God Particle" and confirmed in 2013.
  • Stephen Hawking -1942-2018

    Stephen Hawking -1942-2018
    He is a British theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, cosmologist and science popularizer. His most important works to date have been to provide, together with Roger Penrose, theorems regarding space-time singularities in the framework of general relativity, what is known today as Hawking radiation (or sometimes Bekenstein-Hawking radiation). .
  • Guillem Anglada-Escudé -1979

    Guillem Anglada-Escudé -1979
    He is Professor of Astrophysics at Queen Mary University of London.
    He studied at the University of Barcelona where he received his doctorate
    In 2016 the magazine Nature chose him as one of the 10 best scientists in the world and he is the only Spaniard included among the 100 most influential people according to Time. In 2016 he received the Optimist Committed to Science award given by Anoche magazine. I had a dream