First World war

  • Franco-Prusian war

    Franco-Prusian war
    A conflict between the northen german confederation and the second french empire, this conflict started after Prussian's felt france was taking too much power, exterting too much economic pressure on the balance of power.
    spanning from the 19th of july (1870) to the 28th of january of 1871
  • Juan Florez y Sebastián Suarez

  • Berlin Conference

    Berlin Conference
    In order to set out a balance of power, and to gain economic profits form africa the european states then start their conquest, this puts the nail on the coffin for africa and defined the age colonialism for late 19th and 20th century
  • First Balcanic War

    First Balcanic War
    The balkan league fought the otoman empire to grow their territories and kick the empire out of europe, the war ended up being a humilating defeat for the ottomans who lost most of their european territories
  • Second Balcanic war

    Second Balcanic war
    After poor territorial gains in the first war bulgaria sets out againsts it's former allies and strikes to gain more territories leading to discontent.
  • Asasination of Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand

    Asasination of Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand
    Parading thru sarajevo the heir to the throne would find on his way a serbian nationalist that shot him triggering Astrohungary to declare war setting off the powder cake and starting the conflict
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    First World War

    Commonly and specially at the time called the great war, it was the first major international scale war, and a definitory event for the 20th century
  • Japan enters the war

    Japan enters the war
    Japan enters the war motivated by the possibility of aquaring Germanies colonial holdings in the pacific to boost the blossoming empire of the rising sun
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    Trench war

    One of the most iconic fronts of the war consisted of repeated and stale conflict along a border wide trench system. This warfare prompted innovation in, airstrike technology, lethal bio weapons such as mustard gas etc. this trench stalement was broken in 1918 when the tide of the war shifted significantly to the allies
  • Easter rising

    Easter rising
    After years of planning and espionage droven by irish nacionalism, the Irish revolutionaries perform an armed insurrection agianst the british goverment
  • Battle of Verdun

    Going from february 21 1916 to december 18 1916, this battle represented the longest of the war and was waged on the western front
  • Russian Revolution; February revolution

    Russian Revolution; February revolution
    After years of long standing discontent with the tsarist regime the people of Russia take to the streets to protest their faillings, ending in the abdication of tsar Nicholas the second and the formation of a first provitional goverment.
  • The USA joins the war

    The USA joins the war
    The United States breaks neutrality and enters the war after naval threats from german naval expansion and a telegram promising territorial aquasitiosn to Mexico if they joined the Triple entente coaliton, promting the US to send troops overseas
  • October revolution; Bolshevik Revolution

    October revolution; Bolshevik Revolution
    Led by Lenin and his bolshevik party, after the unpopularity among workers of the provitional goverment, (specially its decicion to stay figthing in the war) led by Vladimir Lenin. This resulted in the second congress of soviets and opening the gates to the russian civil war.
  • The dissolution of Astro-Hungary

    The dissolution of Astro-Hungary
    After its defeat in WWI Viena slowly lost control of its different ethnic groups, slowly they were granted independence until finally in october of 1918 the different nations were allowed to declare independence from the dying empire
  • Period: to

    Spanish Flu pandemic

    a result of thightly packed, cold and moist trenches, the so called spanish influenza came back to the USA, being trnasmited between soldiers and then to the general populace, said to originate in china years before, it became one of the biggest public emergency crisis resulting from the war. It is said to have a death toll ranging between 20 to 50 million, even 100+ million people
  • Russia withdraws from the war

    After years of fighting and 2 revolution the russian goverment goverment withdraws from the war, giving up polish territories and freeing up German troops for fighting on the western front
  • The Global balance of power

    After all said and done, the new balance of power started chosing form around the United States, the new economic titan and center of western influence
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    Turkish war of independence

    After the Ottoman defeat Turkish nationalist would take armed resistance against both the allies and the ottoman, the treaty of sèvres only adding heat to the fire, this endend on the establishment of the modern turkick borders as opposed to the proposed partition and the establishment of Turkey as a nation.
  • Establishment of the Weimar republic in Germany

    After abdication of the Kaiser and a humilliating defeat the germans established the new goverment in the city of Weimar, this goverment would have to face the challenges of the post war economic toll that Germany would suffer
  • Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye

    Formalized the future of territorial loses of Austria, creating the new germanic states from the old austrian territories.
    It wasnt considered effective until the 19 of july of 1920
  • Treaty of Trianon

    The treaty signed against Hungary, stablishing all new slavick countries in the old empire, formalizing various nationalistic movements and setting bases for roamno.hungarian conflicts in the region of Transilvania
  • Treaty of sèvres

    Treaty of sèvres
    After the defeat of the ottoman empire, the treaty of sèvres was the first proposed partition of the empire. This treaty was not ratified by the ottomans/turks and ended in the turkish independence wa
  • Benito Mussolini becomes Italy's prime minister

    Benito Mussolini becomes Italy's prime minister
    Backed by the italian "faches" or facists he marked the first facist leader of europe and a shift in italian perception towards a Neo roman imperialist policy
  • Treaty of Versaille

    Treaty of Versaille
    After Germany's defeat the treaty of versaille is signed putting the heavy burden of reparation and territory that led germany to a recession in the coming years
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    Rise of the Nazi movement

    capitalizing on German nationalistic sentimentalism and economic troubles, the nazi party headed by Adolph Hitler stars rising in popularity in Germany under banners of extreme nationalism and anti semitism, by 1932 it held proportionable seats in goverment and by 1933 Hitler became Chancelor and by 1934 Fürher of Germany
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    The Great Depresion

    Considered the worst economic crisis worldwide it characterized the economic policy of the 30's forcing policy change, this receccion is widely considered to have ended with the increased production from both sides on WWII that generated the work needed to re start economies.
  • The Führer of Germany

    The Führer of Germany
    After the dead of Hinderburg Hitler consolidates his position as head of state of Germany.
  • German invasion of Poland

    German invasion of Poland
    After various ocupattions and compromissing of the various german territories around Germany, the Nazi goverment strikes a military invation of Poland, setting WWII
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    World War II