First Seven SDA Pres

By BobSowa
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  • John Byington

    John Byington
    John Byington was the first official President of the Seventh Day Adventist Conference. He was a methodist as a kid. He was huge on anti slavery, and a part of the underground railroad. He was converted to Seventh Day Adventism with the help of Ellen White and James White. He was a preacher before being converted to Adventism. He helped start a SDA School. He served two years as president, 1863-65
  • James Springer White

    James Springer White
    James Springer White was the second Seventh Day Adventist President for the SDA conference. James Springer White is the husband of Ellen G. White. James White Served as president for two years, He taught at a Seventh Day Adventist school for a few years. He was a christian preacher, before he was Adventist. Ellen G. White, William Miller, and James White almost entirely started the SDA church. He served for 2 years.
  • John Nevins Andrews

    John Nevins Andrews
    John Nevins Andrews, was the third Seventh Day Adventist President for the SDA conference. He was a Millerite, for two years, then he started observing Seventh Day Adventism. Four years later, he met Ellen White and James Springer White. He housed them for awhile. He wrote the famous The History of the Sabbath and the First Day of the Week.
  • James Spinger White

    James Spinger White
    James Springe White, is the fourth Seventh Day President, even after he was the second. He was known a Elder White, and still is. He is known for being the co-founder of Seventh Day Adventism with his wife Ellen White. He played a huge role in the formal formation of the denomination of Seventh day Adventism.
  • George Ide Butler

    George Ide Butler
    The Fifth president of the Conference of the Seventh Day Adventist church, was George Ide Butler. He was a administrator, minister and a author for Seventh Day Adventism. He was elected because Former President James Springer White was in ill health. He was very much so active in raising money for Battle Creek College, also known as Andews University.
  • James Springer White

    James Springer White
    James Springer White, was healthy enough to become a president again. This is his third run, as president number six. As a child, he suffered from spasms and other illnesses. He started a paper, the Present Truth. Present Truth was combined with the Advent Review, and used as a huge part of spreading the Adventist Doctrine and pointing out key truths of the religion.
  • George Ide Butler

    George Ide Butler
    George Ide Butler is President number seven. When James Springer White became ill once more, he took his place as president, a second time. He started the Seventh Day Publishing Association. In 1888 his health was failing. He and his wife moved to a farm, and grew citrus. Hia wife died of a srtoke in 1901.