First Exposure to Traditional to New Media

  • Telegram

    • a message sent by telegraph and then delivered in written or printed form
  • Telephone

    • a medium of communication we use to talk directly to someone else in a different place and is invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876
  • Radio

    • the work of broadcasting sound programs for the public to listen to. Rooted in telegraph, invented by Gruglielmo Marconi and pantedin 1896 in England
  • Television

    • a mass medium for advertising, entertainment and news
  • Newspaper

    • a periodical publication containing written information about current events. Have traditionally been published in print.
  • Period: to

    First Exposure to Traditional to New Media

  • Cellphones/Mobile phones

    • a wireless handheld device that allows users to make and receive calls and to send text messages, among other features
  • Nokia 3310

    • a GSM mobile phone announced on September 01, 2000. It is one of Nokia's most iconic device
  • Flip/Clamshell phone

    • a form factor of mobile phone wgich is in two section that fold via a hinge
  • Slide phone

    • composed of two sections that slides pass each other on rails. Have a display segment which house's the device's screen while another segment contains the keypad and slides out for use
  • Computer

    • a machine that is able to take information (input) and process it to make new information (output)
  • Laptop/Notebook computer

    • portable personal computer with a "clamshell" form factor, having a thin LCP or LED computer screen mountedon the inside of the upper lid and alphanumeric keyboardon the inside lower lid
  • Tablet

    • a portable computer that uses a touchscreen as its primary input device. Most tablets are slightly smaller and weigh loss than the average laotop

    instagram, etc
  • WiFi

    • a wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed internet of network connections
  • Smart phones

    • a mobile phone with highly advanced features. Has a high resolution touchscreen display and has the ability to accept sophisticated applications
  • Smart Television

    • a digital television that os internet-connected, storage-aware computer specialized for entertainment"
  • Upgraded

    Everything that was mentioned is now upgraded