Film Production

By md8296
  • Companies that invest in production in the U.S and U.K

    Some companies that offer to help invest in a film in the U.S and U.K are:
    Ingenious Media
    Seattle Film Group
    Graham Associates
  • Development

    What is film development?
    Film Development is "the first stage in which the ideas for the film are created, rights to books/plays are bought etc., and the screenplay is written. Financing for the project has to be sought and greenlit"
    So Basically this is when the first ideas and planning is made for the film, e.g. rough ideas of plotline.
  • Treatment

    What is Treatment?
    Treatment is the transition from development (first ideas) and is put in more detail. You end up with a first outine of what your film is about and could potentially have a draft of what your film is about. e.g. screen play for a motion picture. These can sometimes be in more detail and could include things like dectorial style.
    Normally they outline the actual events in the film to make sure it makes sense and flows in an understandable manner for the audience.
  • Development Hell

    What is Development hell? Development hell is basically the time period of the fist ideas and first initial development stage up to the point of production. The term 'Development Hell' is used when the film idea seems to be 'stuck' in this transition stage. Many films end up being left in this stage and ar never made. This can also happen to other things such as games and computer programs.
  • Film Packaging

    What elements make up a film package? A film package is basically a portfolio of information about the film that you would put together to help raise funds for the film you aspire to create.
    some of the key elements you would need to include in this portfolio is:
    A picture, title, logline (small sentence to explain the film), Synopsis, Project Background, Treatment, Target audience, rough marketing stratergty, and a cast list including a short sentence or two about each character and actor.
  • Pre Production

  • Casting Process

    At this stage, the casting director and producer come together and make a list of possible actors or generally talk about the types of actors that they need to include. This list is then sent to the public (if they want to do this) Or to the specific actors/Actresses. Ater receiving this, the actors/actresses start to send in their portfolios and the producer and casting director then look at these to finalise.
  • Production Design

    A Production designer has responsibility for what the film visually looks like. Production designers have a very creative role in film making.
    The producter and production designers would work together to help create the overall visual aspects that they want to acheive.
  • Storyboards

    Story boards are basically images/illistrations made to help pre-visualise the motion picture or the direction that the motion picture could go. Story boarding helps a lot in a film making process as it helps bring together visual aspects as well as speech and camera shots.
  • Production

    (Principal Photography)
    This is the part of film production where the filming is taken into hand. This person helps film the movie
    This is the person who is in charge of the cameras and lighting crews who work on set. They also can have responsibilities on artistic and technical decisions
  • Period: to

    Film Production Process

  • A Typical Day on set

    This is an example of a timetable you might follow on set:
    6:45 a.m.Your key crew shows up and reviews the days shooting schedule.
    7:00 a.m. First call. Breakfast is had. Crew starts setting up and actors start getting made up and dressed.
    8:00 a.m. Light for the first shot using stand-ins, usually crew members who aren't otherwise busy.
    8:30 a.m. On set rehearsals for the actors. Start with individual shots of actors as they finish their makeup and dressing.
  • A typical day continued..

    9:00 a.m. First shot of the day. This continues until director is satisfied.
    1:00 p.m. Break for lunch.

    1:30 p.m. Back to work.
    7:30 p.m. Wrap for the day. If you will be continuing into the evening then provide a hot dinner and get back to work at 8:00 PM. Otherwise:
    8:00 p.m. Everyone finishes their notes for the day and settles on a schedule for tomorrow.

    8:30 p.m. Everything is secured and put away for the night.
  • Editors Responsibilities

    A film editior is the person who takes the raw footage that has been shot and edits it onto a rough cut and then final cut of the movie.
    This can be atedious job because you would have to look at hours of footage to find the correct shot you require.
  • Sound Design

    Sound design is basically aquiring, specifying, manipulating and generating audio elements for the film. Foley artists can come into this.
  • Foley Artists

    A foley artist's job is to help generate/create ambient sounds in the film (e.g.gunshots)
    Lots of films include foley to help create realistic or emphisised sound in the movie.
  • Distribution

    Distribution is basically the way in which your finished film gets out into the public e.g. advertisement.
    you would need to keep in mind distribution territory.
    This is basically where the film will be shown (e.g. countries)
  • Integration

    Verical Integration: This is when a company has shares or ownes part of the production and distribution process.
    Horizontal Integration: This is when the business/organisation develops by buying the same section as the market as their competators.
    This can help a movie by vastly improving its publicity.
  • Release Date

    A release date is very important to the audience.
    A release date is literally a date that people will look at to know when the movie/film will be released into the cinemas for people to watch.
    This can generate hype about the movie and so if advertising is correctly put into place you could generate more publicity.
  • Exhibition

    A multiplex cinema is a cinema that shows lots of movies on lots of different screens. They are followed by a timetable to follow for people to select a convenient time.
  • Independant Cinemas

    an independant cinema is a cinema that will show films that are independantly made outside of a traditional studio and are made by independant film makers.
  • Reigate Cinema

    Reigate screen is owned by Everyman.
    Everyman owns a chain of cinemas in a lots of different locations
    Everyman show upcoming films and new releases into the cinema.