Castro fidel cropped

Fidel Castro's Life

  • The Birth of Fidel Castro

    The Birth of Fidel Castro
    Fidel Castro was born on August 13, 1926 in Cuba. His parents were Ángel Castro y Argiz and Lina Ruz González. His full name is Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz.
  • The Attack

    The Attack
    On July 26, 1953, Fidel led a attack against the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba. The attack failed and he lost. He got captured and put in prison.
  • His Speech

    His Speech
    May, 1955 Castro's sentence is over and he makes a speech saying how he was just doing the right thing. After being let out he made a journey to Mexico for to see his brother. Fidel had to go overseas to make it to Mexico on the "Granma" named after their grandmother.
  • Guerrilla War

    Guerrilla War
    December 2, 1956 Castro and 81 other would be revolutionaries. But 12 survivors including Castro, his brother Raul Castro and Argentine Ernesto. Soon they all regroup in the Sierra Maestra mountains where they started a guerrilla war.
  • Prime Minister

    Prime Minister
    January 1, 1959 Batista flees to Dominican Republic. Day’s later Supreme person of the armed forces, he begins the political, economic and social transformation of Cuba. Nationalizing most foreign and local businesses. About a month later on February 13 Castro is named the Prime Minister
  • The Invasion

    The Invasion
    April 16-19, 1961 Castro declares his revolution socialist. In the same year Castro directs troops in defeat of invasion attempt by U.S. at the Bay of Pigs. Meanwhile U.S. tries to ties together with Havana.
  • President

    1971, Castro visits Chile, Panama and Nicaragua to support left-wing governments there. Then in 1975 Castro sends troops to Angola to help left-wing government fight South-African rebels. Finally in 1976 Castro becomes president, ratified by newly-created National Assembly.
  • The Roit

    The Roit
    August, 1994 hundreds of Havana residents riot in biggest anti Castro disturbance since revolution. Later more than 35,000 people built flimsy rafts and were sailing the the US. They were doing all this because of a summer crisis that happened in Cuba.
  • Resigning from Head of State

    Resigning from Head of State
    February, 2008 Almost 19 months since he last appeared in public. Castro said he would not return as head of state and government. But will return as Fidel Castro.
  • The Death of Fidel Castro

    The Death of Fidel Castro
    Sadly on November 25, 2016 Fidel Castro died. He died at an amazing age of 90. He was buried at Santa Ifigenia Cemetery.