feudal Japan

By beanie
  • Period: Jan 1, 1180 to Jan 1, 1185

    Minamato clan seizes power in the emperor’s name.

    Yoritomo mounted a full-scale rebellion against the Taira rule culminating in the destruction of the Taira and the subjugation of eastern Japan within five years. Kamakura Shogunate was created in 1192. Also, it's from the Seiwa Genji line that the later Ashikaga, Nitta, and Takeda clans come.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1221 to Jan 2, 1223

    The Warring States period.

    The Warring States Period
    2 Jan 1267 - 1 Jan 1269
    This period of time began in 481BC. It then ended in 221BC. This resulted in 7 major states being created.
  • Jan 1, 1232

    Goseibai Shikimoku

    The legal code of the Kamakura shogunate in Japan, promulgated by third shikken Hōjō Yasutoki in 1232. Tsuika were issued afterward. The Muromachi shogunate also adopted the Goseibai Shikimoku as the basic law. The Goseibai Shikimoku was repealed during the Edo period, but was widely used as a textbook for writing in temple schools.
  • Sep 14, 1270

    Japanese Firearms

    Firearms where firsted introduced in the 13th century. European firearms were introduced in 1543. They were introoduced by the Chinese. They arrived via Japan's proximity to China, because
  • Sep 14, 1274

    the first mongal invasion

    This established a 'treaty'; a tribute of 200 boy and girl slaves were sent ot the King and Queen of Mongolia.
  • Sep 15, 1281

    the second mongal ivasion

    During this invasion, a theory was involved that the Mongolian fleets were costly and took to long to construct.A massive typhoon destroyed most of the Mongolian fleet.
  • Sep 15, 1335

    Emperor Go-Daigo Overthrows The Kamakura Government

    As a result, Go-Daigo established his own court in the Yoshino Mountains.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1348 to Jan 1, 1351

    the rivalry between northen and southen emperors

    This rivalry began in 1348 and lasted for 3 years.
  • Period: Sep 25, 1358 to May 31, 1408

    Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu.

    This Shogun managed to bring about the end to Nanboku-cho fighting in 1392. This brought about the establishment of authority for shougunate.
  • Period: to

    The Tokugawa shogunate rules Japan.

    -The Tokugawa shogunate, also known as the Tokugawa bakufu and the Edo bakufu, was a feudal regime of Japan established by Tokugawa Ieyasu and ruled by the shoguns of the Tokugawa family.
    -capital of the Shogunate was Edo, later to be called Tokyo