Fetal Development

By AlfredC
  • Fertilization

    Sperm cell unites with Egg cell to form Zygote, which will develop to become the baby.
  • Period: to

    First Trimester

    First 12 weeks of Fetal Development
  • Implantation

    In the form of a blastocyst (a hollow ball of cells), the embryo implants on the endometrium, the inner lining of the uterus, after a six day trip through the oviduct.
  • Month One of Pregnancy

    Month One of Pregnancy
    Amniotic Sac and Placenta form. Baby has a primitive form, not resembling human charactersitics.
  • Second Month of Pregnancy

    Second Month of Pregnancy
    Baby's physical characteristics continue to develop. Neural tube (Brain, Spinal Chord, other Tissue) begins developing, as well as the digestive tract and other organs; bone starts forming. By the eight week the baby can be considered a Fetus.
  • Third Month of Pregnancy

    Third Month of Pregnancy
    Baby, now a Fetus, is fully formed physically, though some features are still not defined clearly. Teeth begin to develop and Reproductive Organs as well, gender is still hard to identify. Circulatory and Urinary systems start functioning. By now, the fetus weighs about 28 grams and is 7.5 cm long.
  • Period: to

    Second Trimester of Fetal Development

    The following 15 weeks of fetal development.
  • Fourth Month of Pregnancy

    Fourth Month of Pregnancy
    Physical features such as fingers and toes are well defined, and the gender of the baby can be seen. The nervous system starts functioning. The heartbeat can also be faintly heard.
  • Fifth Month of Pregnancy

    Fifth Month of Pregnancy
    Hair grows in the head and lanugo, a fine hair, covers his or her back and shoulders. The baby is covered by a substance called vernix caseosa, which protects it from long exposure to amniotic fluid. The baby moves around more since it is developing muscles.
  • Sixth Month of Pregnancy

    Sixth Month of Pregnancy
    The baby's skin is reddish in color and his veins are visible. The eyelids begin to part. The baby may make some motions responding to what is going on around. By now the fetus weights about 650 grams and is 34 cm long.
  • Period: to

    Third Trimester Fetal Development

    Last 12 weeks of Fetal Development
  • Seventh Month of Pregnancy

    Seventh Month of Pregnancy
    Baby starts getting fat and weights more. Starts responding more to the conditions around him.
  • Eight Month of Pregnancy

    Eight Month of Pregnancy
    The internal organs are mostly developed, though lungs may still need more time. Sight and hearing are also fully developed in the baby and he/she starts kicking more.
  • Ninth Month of Pregnancy

    All the internal organs are already fully developed and the baby's senses are coordinated. The position changes for birth (head facing down) and it starts dropping. By now the fetus weights 3300 grams and is 51 cm long.
  • Period: to


  • Birth

    The baby should be turned for birth. The baby is delivered and the process is complete