F scott fitz

F. Scott fitzgerald timeline

  • The beginning

    One of the finest american writers of all time was born this day, in St.Paul Minnesota, almost 110 years ago.
  • First Publication

    At the age of 14, F.Scott Fitzgerald appears in print for the first time with "The Mystery of the Raymond Mortgage" in the student publication St.Paul Academy Now and Then.
  • First step in his education

    First step in his education
    Attends a catholic prep school in New Jersey, where he meets Father Sigourney Fay, who encourages the dreams of his success.
  • University Studies

    University Studies
    Fitzgerald enters the Princeton University with the class of 1917, he soon meets lifelong friends and influences, including writers Edmund Wilson and John Peale Bishop.
  • Not a great student

    He neglects his studies to do the things he loves most writing scriptures and lyrics for the college musical and magazines.
  • US Army Service

    US Army Service
    On academic probation and close to flunking out of Princeton, Fitzgerald takes commission in the army as an Infantry Second lieutenant, and leaves school for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and never graduates from Princeton. He soon starts writing his novel "The Romantic Egoist"
  • The Civilian life

    Fitzgerald is discharged, hoping to marry Zelda, he takes an advertising job in New York. In June Zelda breaks the engagement due to Fitzgerald's lack of wealth and fame. He quits his job, moves in with his parents, and starts rewriting "The Romantic Egoist"
  • Success

    His first novel "This Side of Paradise" is published and his dream girl is his, as he and Zelda marry each other a week later, in St.Patrick's Cathedral in New York.
  • The Lavish of Life

    The Fitzgeralds depart for their first Europe trip, They spend 3 months in France, England, and Italy. 5 Months later, his one and only child is born, a girl named Frances Scott "Scottie" Fitzgerald.
  • To France

    The Fitzgeralds move to France. They spend the next 7 years in Europe, predominately in Paris
  • The Great Gatsby

    The Great Gatsby
    Fitzgerald's most infamous novel, "The Great Gatsby" who we all know and love, is published.
  • Return to America

    The Saturday Evening Post publishes "Babylon Revisted" and "Emotional Bankruptcy" both dwell on characters reflecting the aftermath of the Great Depression. In September, the Fitzgeralds return to America.
  • To Hollywood

    To Hollywood
    Fitzgerald moves to Hollywood after signing a six-month contract from Metro Goldwyn Mayer, hoping he'll work his way out of debt writing screenplays. He soon meets a movie columnist Sheilah Graham. They begin an affair until his death. He starts work on his only credited screen play "Three Comrades"
  • Failed Screenwriting Career

    Having lost his contract with MGM in December 1938, Fitzgerald spends his time between freelance gigs in Hollywood and bouts with Alcoholism. In January he works shorty on "Gone with the Wind" In February he gets a job working on a production "Winter Carnival" but is soonly fired because of his drunkenness and is hospitalized in New York.
  • Death

    3 years later after moving to Hollywood and starting his affair with Sheilah Graham, F.Scott Fitzgerald dies of a heart attack in Sheilah's California apartment. He is buried in Rockville, Maryland, where his father was born.