Exposure to Media

  • Computer and Radio

    Computer and Radio
    This year i started to be exposed in Television and Radio
    Television is an electronic device used to receive sound and images which create television programs that people watch.
    Radio is communication over distance when sounds are converted to electromagnetic waves and sent to a receiver that transfers the waves back to sounds.
    For me, Televison & Radio shows, music, video-songs, live matches, etc. are sources of our entertainment.
  • Social Media

    Social Media
    This year I started to be exposed in Social Media.
    Social media is the sharing of information and communication between people on the Internet or using mobile devices.
    Personal Insight: Social media is not only for communication but we can also connect to other people to learn and express our emotions.
  • Smartphones

    This year I started to have smartphone.
    A smartphone is a cellular telephone with an integrated computer and other features not originally associated with telephones, such as an operating system, Web browsing and the ability to run software applications.
    Personal Insight: Smart Phones where you can bring anytime where ever you go you can bring it. Smartphone is also a way for communicating to other people true text or calls and also through Social Media.