Evolution Timeline

  • Bichop Ussher

    Bichop Ussher
    James Ussher calculated that the Heaven and Earth where both created in the 4004 B.C. and that there where things at that time that are not here or they have evolved.
  • spontaneous generation

     spontaneous generation
    The microscope helped the scientists back then for them to know if there could be life in non-living things or if they can mutate and have lfe.
  • Systema Naturae

    Systema Naturae
    Carl Von Linne a botonist tryed to clssify each thing on earth and he discovered that there are groups like: Kingdoms,classes,orders,genera, and species
  • Comte de Buffon

    Comte de Buffon
    George Louis Lecierc found out the species,kingdoms,classes evolve because of the natures law.He suggested that the humans and the apes are related.
  • Zoonomia Evolution

    Zoonomia Evolution
    Charles Darwin's Grandfather asked himself if all the warm-blood animals have come from non-living things thanks to evolution.
  • Natural Theology

    Natural Theology
    Archdeacon William Paley's He finded that God can be found every where from the plants to the deep sea.
  • Lamarck Evolution

    Lamarck Evolution
    Lamarck sayed that the things evolved because of them being more complex through time.
  • Darwin's born

    Darwin's born
    Darwin ws born during the war that happened of britain against france, at that time the evolution was more known.
  • catastrophes in fossil record

    catastrophes in fossil record
    George Cuvier finded out because of fossils hat where under the ground that for some time the life on earth stood still like there was no life.
  • Lyell

    Lyell discrived how the earths geology helped the scientists to know a little bit more about evolution of the species to darwin that he then made the specie theory.
  • Beagle voyage

    Beagle voyage
    Charles Darwin went to a voyage of 5 years and when he came back he was a changed man he was now a sciens guy and thanks to the fossils of south america and the evolution on some fossils he was prepared to make a theory.
  • The Netherals

    There was a skull found in the dirt of the netherlands and then that made many people think that if we really are sons of Adam and Eve.
  • Wallace

    When wallace sends a messege to charles charles is shoked to know that he has a thery about natural selection.
  • Origin of species

    Darwin made a book about natural and artificial selection that is when the animal breed and they make other animals and when there is evolution.
  • Ape Debate

    Ape Debate
    Darwin made a answer that was correct that the humans are no exception from evolution.He got some attacks (scientifical) and he was in some law things so his defender which was called darwins "bulldog" helped darwin through that.
  • Evolution Accepted

    Evolution Accepted
    In this time of the history all the newspapers and even religious people where writting about the theory of evolution tat was made by Charles Darwin but there is still some doubted about it.
  • Decendent of man

    Decendent of man
    Darwin now takes his new book and founds out about sexual selection when the opposite sex is atrracted to each other.
  • Horse fossils

    Horse fossils
    The "bulldog" went and visited the US in order to do lectures about evolution when he was ther he visited the famous fossil hunter in Yale and they talke about a fossil that is of a horse from millions of years in the past the horse had 4 toes but then they found a 5 toes horse and they knew that evolution happened with that animal.
  • Darwins bural

    Darwins bural
    Darwin was buried in the city of westmister abbey next to his grave there was the grave of sir Issac Newton his bural.
  • Radioactivity

    Radioactivity lead the humans a step forward by discovering that the age of the earth could be predicted thanks to the radioactiviy on the rocks.
  • Piltdown man

    Piltdown man
    There was a missing ink in the evolution and similarities of humans and primates.There is a fossil of a skull that is the skull that shows about us about the evolution of the humans.
  • First Ant-evolution bill

    The schools on some states ar now sayed to not educate the children with any theory about evolution.
  • Man like Ape

    A scientist found a skull of a ancestor thousands and thousands of years ago that skull had a ape like head but it had a very similarities as the humans.
  • Textbook

    Publishers took out the references of biology from textbook from the western sides.
  • Tennessee Law

    The schools are now needed to teach the schools the evolution made by the bible and not the humans as we know it.
  • Anti-Evolution bills

    some 35 anti-evolution bills are made in 20 different states.There is no more teaching about evolution.
  • Neo Darwins

    Some scientist finded out that evolution was not all the things that changed the animals and the humans it also was made thanks to the mutation.
  • Evolution shunned

    Less than half of all the high schools in are showing the kids about evolution thanks to darwin.
  • Supreme court

    Schools are now baned for teaching about religion and that they can't show any more religion.
  • Pope pius

    He founded out that evolution was true but there was more to know.
  • Origins of Life

    A young scientist fouded out about amino acids and saw that earth was arised by natural resources.
  • DNA

    Scientist knew about the traits int eh Dna but then they made a structure to see if we really came from the apes.
  • Human and Ape

    Scientist make a blue print from the DNA that they used to see if we really came from Apes and they founded that we come from thme but we evolved and changed.
  • Supreme court on evolution

    The schools start again to teach about evolution beacuse there have been more stuff happening and there has been more true things in evolution.
  • DNA codes

    The blueprints on the Dna made the humans be one step closer and they could now read the Dna codes.
  • textbook disclaimer

    The school boards are not shour to teach the students about evolution.
  • Pope John 2

    John Pope 2 aceppted evolution as a fact adn not a truth.