Evolution revolution

  • Bishop Ussher

    Ussher calculated that the creation of Heaven and Earth took place in 4004 B.C. This date of 4004 B.C. is then used for 200 years in English editions of the Bible.
  • Spontaneous Generation

    New instruments of magnification. Francesco Redi shows why fly maggots often crop up in putrefied meat. They are not the result of spontaneous generation. But born from eggs too tiny for the naked eye to see.
  • Carolus Linnaeus

    Linnaeus was a first class scientist. He described plants and animals on the basis of a physical appearance and a method of reproduction. He also classified them relative to each other according to the degree of their similarities.
  • Comte de Buffon

    He said that living things change through time. He speculated that this was somehow a result of influences from the environment. He believed that the earth is about 75,000 years old. He also said that humans and apes are related.
  • George Cuvier

    Cuvier came to believe that most if not all the animal fossils he examined were remains of species that were now extinct. This led him to believe in catastrophism that happened in the past. Many time ago
  • Natural Theology

    Natural Theology views God through nature. Paley said that the eye as an organ in such complexity that, like a pocket watch, it must have been designed by an intelligent designer.
  • Jean Baptiste Lamarck

    Lamarck believed that microscopic organisms appear spontaneously from inanimate materials and then evolve gradually into more complex forms.
  • Beagle Voyage

    Is the voyage that carried Charles Darwin to tropical forests and the Gallapagos Islands. He came back with fossils from South America and creatures from the Galapagos Islands, become the basis of his budding ideas about evolution.
  • Charles Lyell

    He documented the fact that earth must be very old and that it has been subject to the same sort of natural processes in the past that operate today in shaping the land.
  • Neanderthal

    The unearthing of a fossil skull in Germany's Neander Valley. This made a big debate over whether all humans are the direct descendants of Adam and Eve. The skull looks much like a modern human, but is a little bit different.
  • Alfred Russel Wallace

    Wallace made a theory of hw might species might evolve. Wallace has struck uppon the thory natural selection. The same that Darwin was researching for abroun 20 years.
  • Origin of species

    From all, Darwin´s book is the most influnetial. It shows many evidences and a coherent theory for evolution. Just as domestic animals evolve through breeding, animals in the wild evolve from natural selection.
  • Ape Debate

    The Ape Debate was a at a meeting of Britian´s best scientist. A lot of critics hitted to Darwins theory. Tomas Henry Huxley actualy known as Darwins bulldog, tried to rally to the defense.
  • Evolution accepted

    Only a few years after "On the origins of species" was published, evolution is now mainstream sience. Many publicators around the world promoted evolution.
  • Descent of Man

    Darwins new book explain the importance of sexual selection in life. To pass along traits to future generations and to this race to exist individuals must be totaly irresistable with the opposite sex.
  • Horse fossils

    Thomas Huxlry traveled to the U.S were in there he joined with a fossil hunter Othniel Charles Marsh. Marsh had recently discovered fossils of ancient horses. Huxley and Othniel made together the story of evolution of the horse. From a 4-toed horse to a 1 toe.
  • Darwin´s Burial

    Charles darwin died in the year 1882. Darwin´s body is laid near the grave of Isaac Newton in England.
  • Radioactivity

    Radioactivity was descovered y the physist Antonie Becquerel. With new rock dating techniques, they now mentioned that the earth is actually 4.3 billion years old.
  • Piltdown Man

    Critics of evolution mentioned that there is a missing link between the humans and the primates. Then they descovered a new fossil skull called Piltdown Man. Which seems to be the link.
  • First anti-evolution bills passed

    Six Southern and border states consider anti-evolution proposals. Two measures from there passed. In only Oaklahoma, a ba is placed in all public schools text books hat teached the materealist conception in history.
  • Anti-evolution bills spread

    Some 35 new anti-evolutions bills are proposed in 20 states. And around 1930, many areas were now restricted of teaching evolution.
  • Tennessee

    The Tennessee legislature ssed a bill that makes misdeminor for public school teachers to teach any thoery that denies he story f the divine creation (God).
  • Man-like ape

    Raymond Dart announced that a prehistoric man- like ape has been found in South Africa. This fossils are also found with one of a baboon, which has a mistrious opening. They predict that the man-lile ape actually extracted his brain for food. With this in mind, they implicate that humans evolved from fierce hunting.
  • Text book

    In the south west, published removed references to evolution from the biology text books. Also, the teaching of evolution is curbed around the country.
  • Neo-Darwinism

    Scientists now understand that ndom genetic mutations an cause changes in all traits of organisms. This happens because of the mechanism that Darwin called natural selection.
  • Evolution shunned

    The teachong of evolution hits a low point. This happened with the rullung of many anti-evolutionist persons. One scientist estimated that around less than half of all high school science teachers thaught anythig about evolution.
  • Supreme Court

    The supreme court rules at neither a state not the federal government can pass laws which id one religion.
  • Pope Pius XII

    Pope Pius XII leads he way for catholics to accept even human evolution y stressing a distinction between the body and the soul.
  • Origins of Life

    Stanely Miller roduces amino acids. This experiment indicates that the first life on earth may have arisen hrough natural process.
  • DNA

    The discovery of e doucle-helix tructure of DNA unlock details of what genes are and specially, how they work. It may be the most important event in the 20th century.
  • Human and Apes

    Vincent Sarich and Allen Wilson founded evidence hat humon are most closely related o African apes that African apes to orangutans.
  • Supreme court strikes law against evolution

    Law suits begin challenging anti evolutionist legislation in the south. This case reached the supreme court. With this happening it puts an end to laws barring th teaching of evolution in the public schools.
  • DNA codes

    Evolutionary scientists now cans ee (with the new technology) how the DNA of some organisms changed through time as they evolve.
  • Textbook Disclaimers

    A requirement that whenever evolution is taught all the students must be infomred that the material taught is not intended to influence the biblical version.
  • Pope John Paul II

    Predecessor XII opened the door for catholic acceptance of evolution.
  • Science standards

    The Fordham Foundations laments that 19 states from the Unites states do a weak job of handling evolution in all their science standards.
  • Human genome

    Scients now can see even more than ever before how intimately related he human species s to other life on Earth. They also found that humans share 98% of their genes with the chimpanzes. And they are not the only ones, we also share genes with fruit flies and yeast.