Evolution Proj. - The Computer

By cdank
  • First Computing Device

    First Computing Device
    Source CitationCharles Babbage was an English engineer and plymath that originated the idea of a programmable computer. The input of data and programs was done through punched cards which would have numbers punched on them when they went through the machine. It had an arithmetic unit, memory, and other compenents making it centuries ahead of it's time. It died out due to lack of funding, however his son as well as other engineers continued on his legacy.
  • Differential Analyzer

    Differential Analyzer
    Source Citation
    In 1935, Vannevar Bush created the Differential Analyzer, which was the most complex analog calculator known to man. He also created several other inventions, including the Memex, which inspired the WWW later. Because of all these things, Pres. Roosevelt appointed him in charge of making the atomic bomb during WWII. He is considered a father of the digital computer.
  • First Personal Computers (PC's)

    First Personal Computers (PC's)
    Source Citation
    After 1974 when Intel had introduced the 8080 microprocessor, people started inventing computers around it. The first was MITS Altair 8800, followed by Steve Wozniak teaming up with Steve Jobs to create the Apple 1 & 2. Then IBM released their own product to take back their market and became highly succesful again through using Bill Gates' DOS operating system, making Microsoft the biggest company.
  • Invention of User Interface

    Invention of User Interface
    Source Citation
    Apple released the Apple Lisa and Macintosh after visited the PARC and wanting to create a user-friendly system in 1983. This introduced icons, graphics, and a mouse for users, much like we see today. Microsoft also retaliated with Windows OS, which directly competed with Apple's GUI.
  • Apple iPhone

    Apple iPhone
    Apple relases their first iPhone technolgy device. This is a major breakthrough in combining the computer's advanced searching and mobility into a phone. The first ever phone to have a touch screen with movable apps, an internet connection, and a smooth GUI interface characterizes this as a major innovation. Now, the world of computers has been merged with that of phones.