
By VicVM
  • Bishop Ussher

    Bishop Ussher
    He change the year of creation of the Earth in 4004 B.C.E and continues to present.
  • Spontaneous Generation

    Spontaneous Generation
    He discover that spontaneous generation weren´t true.
  • Linnaeus´s

    He discribe living things on the method of reproduction.
  • Comte de Bufon

    Comte de Bufon
    He said that all living things change over time. He said that the earth is 75,000 years older and hat we are related to monkrys and apes.
  • Natural Theology

    Natural Theology
    Tells that God appears in all the nature. Also that God was in different forms all over the earth.
  • Lamarck

    He said that icroorganisms apperd appeared in inanimate materials and then in a complex and bigger form.
  • Cuvier

    He insisted that natural disasters were the cause the distant past of certain life.
  • Lyell

    He said that the land moving of the earth explained the geology of the earth. Darwin was inspired of Lyell about the how species envolved.
  • Beagle Voyage

    Beagle Voyage
    When Darwin starts the trip, he wanted his life in the clergy. The trip was to be of two years but he dedicated his life of science. He recolected fossils and creatures.
  • Neanderthal

    By the discovery of a fossil with the appearance of a human, they said that that is the way the human evolution occured.
  • Wallace

    He had a theory about how especies involved. He said about the natural selection that impresed Darwin because he has searching it for 20 years.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    It is the book that Darwin made. The book talks all about Darwins theorys and also that God exists.
  • Ape debate

    Ape debate
    Darwin things that humans are and eception. Critics attack Darwin by the book.
  • Evolution Accepted

    Evolution Accepted
    A lot of scientists also refuse the idea of revolution but later on the publish of the book made even religions accept that revolution exists.
  • Decedent of man

    Decedent of man
    Based on the Origin of Species, Darwin take iy on human evolution.
  • Horse Fossils

    Horse Fossils
    By the discovery of ancient horse fossils, they discover the evolution of the horses hands and then they knew how they envolve until now.
  • Darwin´s burial

    Darwin´s burial
    Darwin`s body is in a honor place in England. By that moment churges and scientists both accepted that evolution was true.
  • Radioactivity

    Antoine Henry discover the radioactivity. By that discovery they know that the earth is 4.3 billion years old.
  • Pilldown man

    Pilldown man
    It is a fossil called the pilldown man and that was the link or connection between humans and apes.
  • First anti evolution bill

    First anti evolution bill
    Six south border states consider anti-evolution proposals. Many people told false the idea that we came from animals.
  • Man like Ape

    Man like Ape
    This theory was found in Africa by a baboon that has an opening. Dart said that the man killed the baboon and then open the skull to eat the food.
  • Textbook Censored

    Textbook Censored
    All the publishers remove part of the content from biology textbooks. The evolution is the main teaching all over the country.
  • Tennessee bill

    Tennessee bill
    The law of Tennessee do not allow teaching human evolution. The main problem was that in the Bible they don´t say nothing about evolution.
  • Anti-evolution bills

    Anti-evolution bills
    Passed the restriction of teaching evolution. Posters were expanded all over the country for avoiding the teaching of evolution.
  • Neo Darwinism

    Neo Darwinism
    In 1940 the scientifics understanded that there can be random mutations and that´s why it is called natural Selection. Because inherit changes are spread to all the population of the same specie.
  • Evolution Shunned

    Evolution Shunned
    In High School classes were avoiding the teaching of evolution because parents feel ofend aboit it.
  • Supreme court

    Supreme court
    The Supreme court announced that no government can do laws that segregate religion or prefer one religion to another.
  • Pope pios XII

    Pope pios XII
    He conciders evolution as a hypotesis. He try to cincince religion that evolution is way apart from the soul. Every matter and soul was created by God.
  • Origins of life

    Origins of life
    Stanley miller created amino acods that are very important in our life. This told that the Erth have suffer many natural processes.
  • DNA

    DNA was the best disvovery in the 20 century by knowing that it is the structure that determinates our genes.
  • Human and Apes

    Human and Apes
    Scientists disvover the similities based on the DNA of both Human and Apes.
  • Supreme Court on Evolution

    Supreme Court on Evolution
    After the DNA, public schools put an end of the South States laws and start teaching evolution in them.
  • DNA codes

    DNA codes
    The New Technology allowed scientists to see how organisms changed over time as the same of the physical structures of organisms.
  • Textbook disclaimer

    Textbook disclaimer
    A new law was told to say that the evolution does not influence in the Bibical version of how things were created.
  • Pop John Paul II

    Pop John Paul II
    He was in favor of the evolution and that it was a resaerched so it did not influence in the Bible version.
  • Science Standards

    Science Standards
    Twelve states said the word evolution and also they were using it in the Science Standards. Four States rather to not said that word anymore.
  • Human Genome

    Human Genome
    Human share 98% of DNA with Apes and also they have shre DNA with food and fruits.