
By Mariajf
  • Bishop Ussher

    Bishop Ussher
    Ussher calculated that the creation of Heaven and Earth took place in 4004 B.C.
  • Spontaneous generation

    Spontaneous generation
    He discover spontaneous generation was fake. The truth was that the first eggs where really tiny for naked eye to see.
  • Carl Linnaeus´s

    Carl Linnaeus´s
    He gave the first organization to ecology (the relationships between living things and their environments).
  • Comte de Bufon

    Comte de Bufon
    He discover living things change through time and he stated that humans and apes are related
  • George Cuvier

    George Cuvier
    Curvier discovered that the animals fossils he examined were from extinted creatures. That led him to the idea that catasthropic events had happen to earth years before.
  • Natural theology

    Natural theology
    That god didn´t just created life but he aslo desinged the human body perfectly,
  • Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

    He belived that the body changes for next generations according to how do you use your body parts. His theory was wrong.
  • Beagle Voyage

    Beagle Voyage
    It was his best expirience as a scientis, because going to the gallapagos islands made him aware of the different fossils and from there on he was commited on finding out nature laws.
  • Charles Lyell

    He believed that the earth was very old and that the earth was created because of erosion, earthquakes, glacial movements, volcanoes, and even the decomposition of plants and animals.
  • Neanderthal

    A fossil skull in germany looked similar to humans, but it had different shapes (more like an ape). This challenged Adam and Eve.
  • Wallace

    Wallance was the one who convinced Darwin to publish his theory.
  • Origin of Species

    The belief that just as domestic animals came from artidicial selection, animals came from natural selection
  • Ape debate

    Darwin said that humans are no exception of his theory and that they also evolve. In the debate everyone started attacking Darwin for this.
  • Evolution Accepted

    Darwin´s book (The orgin of species) was getting accepted by society. Some scientists started promoting it, newspapers and even religious publications. Still some people were against it.
  • Decedent of man

    Darwin in his new book, includes human evolution and sexual selection. He states that organisms must fit in to survive and reproduce.
  • Horse Fossils

    They discover that ancient fossils of horses had 5 fingers on their toes.
  • Darwin´s burial

    The Angelical church accept revolution and Darwin is buried near Newton.
  • Radioactivity

    The physicist henri becquerel discovered radioactivity. This made scientist at that time examine rocks and they discover earth has to be at least 4.3 billion years old.
  • Pilldown man

    They found a fossil that looked like a human and an ape. So they proved Darwin´s theory true but in the 1950´s they discover it was fake.
  • Anti-evolution bills

    They started making anti-evolution pruposals. They passed this anti evolution bill.
  • Man like ape

    They found a skull in south africa and named ir Raymond Dart. This skull had a whole in its brain, and looked half man and half ape. So scientists infered humans evolved because of hunting.
  • Textbooks

    They removed the teaching of evolutions from all science textbooks.
  • Tennessee bill

    Law in public schools, that forbids to teach darwinism.
  • Evolution bill

    35 new laws are pruposed to end with the evolution theory. 3 pass but the others are aloud in countries. 40 years pass without teaching nor considering Darwin´s theory.
  • Neo Darwinism

    Scientists understand that natural selection does happen. They mix new biological information with natural selection what converts into Neo-Darwinisim.
  • Evolution Shunned

    teaching of evolution has a low point.
  • Supreme court

    They ban the teaching of religion in public schools.
  • Pope pios XII

    Pope pios requieres the depth study of evolution. He said if the body is composed of living matter, then god immedeatly gives a soul to it.
  • origins of life

    Stanely Miller (student), creates amino acids which just proves the theory of natural selection even more.
  • DNA

    They discover the doble Helix structure of DNA.
  • Human and Apes

    They did breakdowns of DNA of apes and human and they discover a lot of similarities.
  • Supreme Court on Evolution

    The teaching of eolution has been legaliezed again in public schools.
  • DNA codes

    Scientist are able to examine the molecular levels in the DNA they found out DNA has evolve.
  • Textbook disclaimer

    Textbooks are aloud to contain the evolution theory again as long as they state that evolution is just a theory not a fact.
  • Pop John Paul II

    Pop opens the evolution theory to catholics and encourage them to accept it.
  • Science Standards

    There are still a lot of doubts for the Darwinisiim because a lot of americans are catholics and refuse to accept this therory.
  • Human Genome

    Scientists discover humans share 98 percent of their DNA with chimpanzes.