Causes of the American Revolution

  • Beginning of the French and Indian War

    The French and Indian war was between the French and Britian. The conflict was in America since 1689. The colonist were angry about the war because they were stuck with the majority of bill for paying for it because the war was fought in the U.S
  • End of French and Indian War

    The colonist asked the king if they could be forming their own armed forces to protect themselves, because sooner the war is over the quicker colonist can be going westward towards more land and oppurtunity. When the war did end the colonist where cheerful and happy that they can venture out to the west.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    This proclamation was made to closed of the west from the colonist. Before the proclamation was made the colonist were happy because they have new oppurtunity in the west, for land and a new life. When this proclamation came people were angry because they fought for all of the land and oppurtunity out there, to just have it taken away.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act taxed molasses sugar, and farm products. The tax hurt the colonies economy by limiting the markets by what prodducts they can sell. Also their amount of money they have for British imports. This act and the currency made colonist rilded up and when the stamp act came around they are going to go off.
  • Currency Act

    The currency act had britain take control of the money system in the colonies, this meant they where going to have heavy currency or like in pounds. The colonist were upset about this and protested and said that the shortage of the hard capital would worsen the situaiton.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act makes the colonist have to have British stamps on all paper products. Britain are having them pay for the stamps also, Britain are having money problems at that time and they were doing this to try to raise money for Britain. Colonist didn't like having to pay for things that were originally free. Colonist did act violent about this act, they were stealing the paper from wherever they are getting the paper from. The industry that was making and selling the paper was losing profits
  • Continuation of Stamp Act

    The Industries were losing profits and they were pleading to parliment to get rid of the act. Eventually they took the act back but then they made the Declatory Act a year later.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    The Stamp Act Congress was created so they can let Parliment and The Crown know that they are not happy about the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act. Only nine of the states were present at the congress, Georgia, North Carolina, New Hampshire, and Virginia wasn't there. At first there was agruments about personal differences, but the all the colonies came together, The Stamp act was stop by individual colonist and boycotts, they did more than the congress did.
  • The Declaratory Act

    Paralament was upset about colonist claiming land and plantations for their own and say that it is against law and saying that they don't have the right to be doing this because they are under the authority of the crown. This will make the colonist angry because they found and worked on that land and then Britian is say that it is their and not theirs. Britain is claiming land that colonist found and own away from them.
  • The Townshend Revenue Act

    The Colonist were putting taxes on imported, glass, paint, oil, lead, paper, and tea for a gain of revenue of £40,000 for the colonies.This let the colonial rebellion comeback and continure expressing their hatred caused by the stamp act. In 1768 customs officials caught a group of patriots that John Hancock was in charge of, they we charged with violations of the trade regulation. Mobs forced the customs officals to retire and threw them on British war ships.
  • Boston Massacre

    Patriots were throwing snow balls, rocks, and sticks at the British troops and this led to several people being killed and injured. A town meeting was set up and they wanted the removal of British troops and trial the soldiers for murder. John Adams and John Quincy II defended the British. Two British soldiers were found with man slaughter and the rest were released
  • The Gaspee Affair

    The ship named Gaspee was a British ship that patroled the waters of Newport was patrolling and some merchants Captured the crew and the boat. They drove it ashore and looted and burned the ship. This was one of the things patriots did to show the crown the severaty of the situation. None of the people that did it tried to hide their identities, the crew of the ship was trying to peracute the attackers, but it was no use with the local courts. The crew was cahrged with illegally siezed goods.
  • The Tea Act

    This act wasn't created for the colonies to raise revenue, it was made to help some failing business with to much tea to sell. They were going to sell them for bargain price, with there already being tax on tea some colonies, such as Philidelphia and New York sent the tea back to Britain.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The British has tried to tax the colonies several times before, two taxes were still being collected, sugar and tea. The Colonist reacted by putting barrals of tea in cellars where they would get ruined over time. Other people reacted by dressing up as indians and throwing tea overboard. People also burned down a British ship called the Gaspee, because they were angry about the taxes.
  • Lexington and Concord

    This was the first military engagement of the American Revelutionary War. British Troops were going to capture colonial leaders and steal gunpowder. Spies heard and two lanterns were set up to tell the horse back riders that they were coming by sea and to inform people. Colonist heard of this and assembled their own troops to defend their towns. 240 red coats and 70 colonist stared at each other and then the shot heard around the world went off and then the American Revolution began.