Events that lead to the Cold War.

  • The Yalta Conference.

    The Yalta Conference.
    A conference between the big three of the Allies. Winston Churchill of Great Britain, Joesph Stalin of Russia and Franklin D. Roosevelt of America. They agreed to self - determination after war , and divided Germany into four military zones.
  • The Potsdam Conference.

    The Potsdam Conference.
    A conference between The big three met in Potsdam Germany. Stalin ( Russia), Churchill(Britain) and Truman(America), negotiated the end of war terms. They laid out Germany's economy , the land boundaries, and banned militarism. They also meat with China calling for the unconditional surrender of Japan.
  • Iron Curtain speech

    Iron Curtain speech
    Winston Churchill gave a speech in Missouri , America. He referring to Russia's soviet Union's plans of controlling most of eastern Europe.
  • The Truman doctrine.

    The Truman doctrine.
    America's president Harry Truman establishes that the U.S would help provide assistance to Democratic countries under the threat of external or internal communism. America would lend economic, military and political assistance to countries in order to stop the spread of communism.
  • The Berlin Airlift ( late 1940s)

    The Berlin Airlift ( late 1940s)
    The allies responded to the Soviet's Berlin wall and blockage of routes to Berlin, by delivering packaged, food, water and medicines to the citizens of the city through aircraft.
  • The Warsaw Pact

    The Warsaw Pact
    The Soviet union made this pact to counter NATO( North Atlantic Treaty organization ). The seven countries of the Warsaw pact were The Soviet Union(Russia), Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Hungary, Poland , East Germany and Czechoslovakia. This pact was the communist defense and a way for the Soviet union to show control in Eastern Europe.