Events leading up to WW2

  • Danzig

    This was a city-state that came about because of the Treaty of Versailles. In 1933 Nazi Germany took over the goverment, and in 1939 when germany invaded Poland Danzig was also folded into Germany.
  • Hitler 1935

    Hitler 1935
    Hitler goes against the treaty of versailles by building up an air force and an army
  • Czechoslovakia/Sudetenland

    Part of Czechoslovakia named the Sudetenland was claimed by Hitler as part of Germany's rightful land. Later on in 1939 Hitler would invade and take over all of Czechoslovakia
  • Anschluss

    This was Hitler's plan to unify Germany and Austria as one country. March 13th is when the plan took form as a law to be voted on.
  • Munich Conference

    Munich Conference
    The Munich Conference was a meeting of Germany, France Britian, and Italy to decide if Hitler and Germany should be allowed the Sudetenland. The other countries agree to let Hitler have it to try and keep peace.
  • Danzig's abolishment

    Danzig's  abolishment
    This is when Germany forced Danzig to become part of the Riech.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    This was an agreement between Germany and the USSR saying that they would not invade each other. Their was also a secret deal that stated Germany and the USSR would get to split up Poland. Hitler soon broke this pact in 1941 when he invaded the USSR.
  • Start of WW2/Invasion of Poland

    Start of WW2/Invasion of Poland
    On this day WW2 offically begun. It started when Germany invaded Poland
  • The fall of Poland

    The fall of Poland
    After the USSR invaded on the east side of Poland ( because of a secret part of the Nazi-Soviet Pact ) Poland lost a huge battle causing Germany and the USSR gaining control of Poland
  • The Bore War

    The Bore War
    This was a point in time, Semptember 1939 - May 1940, where the Allies were not doing anything to combat Germany.
  • Invasion of France/Battle of France

    Invasion of France/Battle of France
    This is when Germany's army walked around the Maginot Line to then start a very successful invasion
  • Dunkirk evacuation

    Dunkirk evacuation
    This was about a week long evacuation of allied troops in dunkirk (Which is in north western france)
  • French surrender

    French surrender
    The date that France surrendered to Germany.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    A time period from July 10th to October 31st where Germany bombed towns and civilian targets.
  • Blitzkrieg

    This was a tatic highly used by Germany from 1939-1941. A Blitzkrieg was using many large armored vehicles in a narrow area to try and break through the enemy line and cause mayhem. This kind of attack was backed up by an airforce to make sure the enemies can't try to fix the breach.