Events Leading Up to the Constitution-Hayden

  • Period: 400 to

    Events leading up to the Constitution

  • 500

    Ancient Greece

    This was in 5th century BC. The ancient Greeks had a lot of different government. The US used them to say they should be just s few different types not as many as the greeks because it did not work very well.
  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was a document for England. It gave the king rules to follow. The US used this to show us that we need to have a more balanced government.
  • Mayflower Compact

    This was made by the pilgrams. This was just a temporary document which was just used to keep order for the pilgrams.
  • Leviathan

    This book was written by thomas hobbes. This was a book was written about how god picked the government.
  • John Locke

    This book was a book that helped form government. It gave the US a little help when forming the government.
  • English Bill of Rights

    The bill of rights helped the US see that it did not want one ruller but many. They wanted those people to be for the US as a whole and not just for a segragrated group.
  • On The Spirit of the Laws

    This was written by Baron de Montesquieu. This was about law and helped the US with the way we developed the laws.
  • The Social contract

    This was another book with ideas about government. This book was written byJean-Jacques Rousseau.
  • Treatise on Tolerance

    This book was written by Volitare. This book was about how Jesus helped the goverments. It had many supersttion in it.
  • On Crime and Punishment

    This book was written by Cesare Beccaria. This book was written about crime and how people would be punished for that crime.
  • First Continetal Congress

    This was the group of representatives from the states. These men made the declaration of independece.
  • Second Continetail Congress

    These men were representatives from the states who like the first continetial congress also help make the declaration of independence.
  • Declaration of independence

    This was the day that the US celebrates independence. The US sined the declaration of independence on this day. Thid gave the US independece from Great Britian.
  • Constitutional Convention

    This was were the constitution was made. This is the document that the US still follows today.
  • Articels of confederation

    These were the first set of rules that the US followed as a young nation. These rules were not the best so they did not last very long as the gave the staes to much individual power.
  • Teaty of Paris

    This was a treaty that ended the revolutionary war. It help America become its own nation.
  • Shays Rebellion

    This was when a buch of poor farmers rebeeled against the government. These rebellions help the US because they showed the weakness in the US government.
  • Ancient Rome

    This was in 509 BC- 49 BC. This government at the time was a main world power. It influenced American government through the house of the senate.