events leading up to the constitution

  • House of Burgessed

    The Government system of the British colony of Jamestown, Virginia. The first representative government in the New World.
  • Mayflower Compact

    It was an agreement. The first governing document of the Plymouth Colony after they arrived in New England.
  • Articles of Confederation created

    This gave each state independence, Congress could pass laws but they could not enforce them. Basically, it gave the states more power.
  • The Proclamation of 1763

    This declared that the colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. This was done by the British.
  • Sugar Act

    An act passed by British Parliament, added tax to molasses and sugar. The money was for the British.
  • Stamp Act

    The British put tax on paper products: books, paper, etc. This turned the colonists against the British.
  • Declaratory Act

    The Declaratory Act said that British Parliament had supreme control in the colonies.
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    British Parliament votes to repeal the Stamp Act and King George III approves the repeal.
  • Boston Massacre

    When provoked, British troops fired into a crowd and killed 5 Boston colonists.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston colonists dressed up as Native Americans, climbed on a British ship and poured most of the tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • First Continental Congress

    The Colonies met to come up with a way to have the crown get rid of the intolerable acts and other taxes.
  • Intolerable Acts

    To punish Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The colonies met in order to see if they could reconnect with Britain and if not, prepare for war.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    The British won with a big loss of people. The Colonists didn't lose nearly as many. This showed the British that the colonists would be harder to beat than they originally thought.
  • Revolutionary War

    The war between the Colonies and Britain begins.
  • Declaration of Independence is written

    13 colonies became 13 states, but aren't united under 1 central government.
  • "Common Sense" published

    Thomas Paine published "Common Sense" in Philadelphia. It was a pamphlet to gain support against the British.
  • Battle at Saratoga

    This was a turning point in the Revolutionary War. The British retreated and the victory bought France to help fight along side the colonists.
  • British Soldiers occupy Philadelphia

    British took many American prisoners who died in Philadelphia.
  • Alliance between America and France

    Benjamin Franklin formed this alliance which led to France and Great Britain going to war.
  • Last battle of Revolutionary War

    The 13 states set up federal government under laws called the Articles of Confederation.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Ended the Revolutionary War.
  • Representatives from 5 states meet at Annapolis, Maryland to discuss interstate trade

    Because so few representatives showed up, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison called for another convention to be held in Philadelphia.
  • The Constitutional Convention begins on May 25 in Philadelphia

    55 representatives attend and begin drafting the constitution. On September 17, 1787, the constitution comes to an end and the representatives sign.
  • The Constitution becomes the law

    New Hampshire is the last and final state to approve.