
Events Before Civil War

  • The Abolition Movement

    The Abolition Movement
    The abolition truly began in 1688 and evolved over 150 years into the 1830s wwhen whites and black started to fight about slavery. It built up some steam for the civil war.
  • The Nullification Crisis

    The Nullification Crisis
    The nullicication Crisis was An unsuccessful but premonitory attempt by South Carolina's ruling planters, led by John C. Calhoun, to nullify legislation in which violated states interests. The Nullification Crisis was a crisis during the time of Andrew Jacksons presidency created by South Carolina's 1832 Ordinance of Nullification.
  • Frederick Douglass and the North Star

    Frederick Douglass and the North Star
    Frederick was born a slave. He had escaped in 1836. In 1841 he began a career as an abolitionist. He had published the abolitionist paper, The North Star On this date.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was a series of bills that were wanted to resolve the territorial and slavery controversies arising from the Mexican-American War (1846-1848). 5 Laws had become apart.
  • The Kansas/Nebraska Act and popular sovereignty

    The Kansas/Nebraska Act and popular sovereignty
    The Kansas-Nebraska allowed people in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide for themselves whether or not to allow slavery within their borders. The Act had served to repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which prohibited slavery north of latitude 36°30´. This act mad many northerners mad.
  • The Dred Scott decision

    The Dred Scott decision
    This was a landmark decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in which that the Court had held that African Americans, whether slave or free, and could not be American citizens and which had no standing to sue in federal court, and that the federal government had no power to regulate slavery in the federal territories. Dred Scott, was an African American slave who was taken by his owners to free states and territories, attempting to sue for his freedom.
  • The Election of Abraham Lincoln

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was wanting to become president. He did well in the north states. He had won but did not carry any southeren states.
  • Formation of the Confederate States of America

    Formation of the Confederate States of America
    This day was the day of first steps to formation. The representatives from the seven seceded states met in Montgomery, Alabama to found the Confederate States of America. They wanted peace. They didnt think what they were doing was illegal. The free state of west virginia was formed though.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Violence soon erupted, with the anti-slavery forces led by John Brown, after the Kansas-Nebraska Acr. The territory earned the nickname "bleeding Kansas" as the death toll rose. Kansas had been submitted eventually, to the union as a free state.
  • South Carolina secession

    South Carolina secession
    South Carolina was The First State to Secede. Southern Secession began with the secession of South Carolina from the Union.