europe and asia

  • iron cartain

    coined by winston churchill believed that the ussr was trying to spread comminism as estarished in eastren europe with satellite nations. gremany and ussr/eastran eronpe.
  • statellitedtates

    def.eastern european nations controled by the ussr. at the potsdam conference. stalin had promised to hold free elections. however poland czecnoslorakia,hungay romania and buia wara forced into communist gov almog with east germany.
  • truman doctrine

    truman was concerned that the ussr was trying to speas communism with in erop and asia turman doctrins - us world support free people who were trying to vesist out side forces with economic aid.
  • containmentcreated by george f kennan contanament trom soeaing with the use of any neans neiecssary. this became the primary forus of the us dueings the cold war era

    created by george f kennan contanament trom soeaing with the use of any neans neiecssary. this became the primary forus of the us dueings the cold war era.
  • marshall plan

    by sec of state georne marshall a recovery plan to help europe that was the us gave $13 billion in grahts and lons and help provide markets to us goods plan was offered to the ussr and satellite nations but was refused by stain.
  • berlin blockade

    sine germ and had not been agred upon the britign frenen and ameraana decide to unidy their zone with their own carrency stalin is angerer and as a resuit blocks off berlin from the vest of nations.