
Ernst Mach, February 18, 1838 – February 19, 1916

By kdestes
  • Education

    The fundamentals of how Mach became so adept with inductive and deductive science was his perspective while studying physics in Vienna from 1865-1861. Mach challenged early particle theory by attesting that particles and matter is altogether unified not by atomic matter but a naturalist-relationship.
  • Going 'Mach', 1865

    Going 'Mach', 1865
    Ernst Mach had thoroughly explored and tested the relationship between sub sonic and hyper sonic projectiles and modeled his theory. This, among other scientific contributions seemed ad-hoc at the time to contest the Newtonian paradigm in light and sound in cognitive science and mathematics from 1865 through 1887(1)(2). In 1845, he created a devise to validate the Doppler Effect (1841, Christian Doppler) and would later propose the possibility for applying this for celestial movement.
  • Gestalt Theory, 1886

    Gestalt Theory, 1886
    Analysis of Percetion, 1886 was publish by Mach insisting the enriching theory that there is no such sensation but only perceptions of such: 'Sensations by themselves can have no organic meaning; only the relations of sensations to one another can have meaning. Perception, Mach believed, is never perception of direct stimuli.' (1). Mach also proposed that evolution of humans is a conglomerate of experienced and perceived events, resulting in a priori (1).
  • Philospohy of Science and Retirement, 1883-1916

    Before retiring from university due to a stroke, his last major contributions included staying inseparable from unifying humans with the mathematical and scientific explanation. Mechanics and its Evolution, 1883, is an exceptional and detailed evaluation of the fundamentals of current mechanical models, mathematic fundamentals, and the human perception of all the above.
    Ernst Mach suffered a stroke forcing his retirement but stayed close to all through writing. He died near Munich, 1916 (1).