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Ernesto Guevara

  • Birth

    Ernesto Guevara was born the 14th of June,1928 in the city of Rosario in Argentina. However, his parents Ernesto Guevara and Celia de la Serna soon learnt that their son had asthma and they moved to Alta Gracia, Córdoba.
  • México

    In 1954 Ernesto Che Guevara left for Mexico and joined the Movement the 26 of July. Where he met Cuban revolutionaries like Fidel Castro, including his brother Raúl Castro and the guerrillas Camilo Cienfuegos and Juan Almeida.
  • Arrived at Cuba

    Arrived at Cuba
    In 1956, him and Castro, along with other revolutionaries. He had an important role in the guerrilla struggle initiated by Fidel Castro against the Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.
  • From commander to teacher

    From commander to teacher
    Fidel named him commander in July 1957 and become the leader of the so-called "Column No. 4". A year later, Castro decided to appoint him director of the newly created Military School to train future guerrillas. In June, he formed Column No. 8 with recruits to confront the offensive that Batista had launched a month before, sending 10,000 soldiers to the Sierra Maestra.
  • Battle of Sanat Clara

    Battle of Sanat Clara
    Che and Castro made the las offensive in the capital. The 28th of December they decided to attack the city of Santa Clara. It was a war of guerrillas that ended when the revolutionaries captured a train with many soldiers. When the dictator Fulgencio Batista realised they had captured the capital he run off the 1st of January 1959 to the Dominican Republic.
  • Cuban Citizen

    Cuban Citizen
    On January 2, 1959, he moved to Havana, where in February of that same year, President Urrutuia declared Che a Cuban citizen by birth for services rendered to the nation.
  • Period: to

    President of the National Bank of Cuba

    Between the 26th of november,1959 to the 23th of February 1961, Che Guevara was proclaim President of the National Bank of Cuba.
  • Period: to

    Minister of Industry of Cuba

    He was named the Minister of Industry of Cuba the 11th of February 1961.
    He proceeded to nationalize the strategic sectors of the country's economy, opposing US influence in the Third World. His presence was decisive in shaping the Castro regime and in bringing the Cuban regime closer to the communist bloc, abandoning the traditional ties that they had united Cuba with the United States.
  • He renounces

    He renounces
    On October 3, 1965, at the act of constitution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, Fidel read Che's farewell letter in which he renounced his Cuban nationality and his ministerial position in the Cuban government. We later learnt that he travel to the capital of Bolivia in secret with the name of Adolfo Mena González and a Uruguayan passport and on 1966 he joined the guerrilla.
  • Death

    In 1967 he was leading a guerrilla group in Bolivia, resulting in his capture by the Bolivian Army in collaboration with the CIA. He then was assassinated the 9th of October.