Erikson Timeline (of Timothy)

  • trust vs. mistrust

    trust vs. mistrust
    Little Timothy was laying in his crib at 4 months old and was hungry as he hadn't eaten for a few hours now, so he began to whimper and whine. As soon as his mother hears his cries she rushes in and realizes what he needs and feeds him. This is an example of Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust because now Timothy trusts that someone will be there to help him with his needs when he cries or whines.
  • Identity vs. Confusion

    Identity vs. Confusion
    As Timothy grows up his parents are very lenient. He ends up getting a mohawk and explores other styles which leads him to gain better self-identity and decide who he wants to be. The support of his parents allows him to feel comfortable around his family which helps their bond grow. This is an example of Erikson's Identity vs. Confusion stage which is he could either end up gaining confidence in his identity with support from his parents or be self-conscious because he lacks it.
  • Integrity vs. Despair

    Integrity vs. Despair
    When Timothy is on his dying bed he is surrounded by all of his kids and grandchildren. He smiles because he is proud of the life he lived. He was a kind man who explored the world and volunteered for the less fortunate. He had three children with his loving wife, and they each had two of their own. This is an example of Erikson's stage integrity vs. despair, which says that when looking back on your life you either feel achieved, much like timothy did, or disappointed.