Emma jane plunket's time line

  • Shugar Act

    Shugar Act
    king Gorge III put a tax on shugar and coffee, that mad the colonists mad
  • Stamp Act congriss

    First timethat the colinists cametogether to protest the Stamp Act
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    King Gorge III put a tax on all paper googs
  • Patric Henrys Speech

    Patric Henrys Speech
    Patric Henories speech was "Give me librity or give me deth"
  • Townsend Act

    Townsend Act
    King Gorge III taxedglass ,led, paper, paints, and tea.
  • Botston Massacre

    Botston Massacre
    5 colonists bot shot