Elizabeth, and Shakespeare, History of English.

  • 450

    Old Enlgish

    Old Enlgish
    Old english began in 450 AD and it was brought by Anglo Saxon of Germany. They arrived in the british isles in the 5th to 11th century, and it spread all over englang. It's roots were the German Language.
  • Mar 14, 1100

    Middle English

    Middle English
    It started in 1100 to 1500 AD. It was brought when they in invaded France and it soon spread around England as Old English did, it continued till Old English was totally wiped out, another word for Middle English is 'Chaucer'.
  • Sep 7, 1533

    Queen Elizabeth; Born.

    Queen Elizabeth; Born.
    Queen Elizabeth was born on September 7, 1533. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and his sencond wife, Anne Boylen. She became a ruler when her sister Mary in 1558.
  • Nov 17, 1558

    Queen Elizabeth Crowned

    Queen Elizabeth Crowned
    Queen Elizabeth was crowned on November 17 1558, she was now offiacally there ruler. She was known as the virgin queen because she was never married.
  • Apr 14, 1564

    William Shakespear was born

    William Shakespear was born
    William shakespear was born on April 1564, nobody is sure the exact day of his birth just that it was sometime in April.
  • Mar 16, 1580

    Shakespeare started to write

    Shakespeare started to write
    Shakespeare started to write poetry, books and sonnets. They soon became famous, and were brought to Queen Elizabeths attention.
  • Mid Summer Night's Dream

    Mid Summer Night's Dream
    A Mid Summer Night's Dream, was one have Shakespeare's most famous books. It's a play inside a play, it was about 2 young girls and 2 young men and there relationships with eachother and there parents.
  • How Shakespeare and Elizabeth were connected

    How Shakespeare and Elizabeth were connected
    Shakespeare used to entertain Queen Elizabeth with his poetry and songs, and got famous by that when he became close to the royal family.
  • William and Elizabeth die.

    William and Elizabeth die.
    William Shakespeare; WIlliam Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 of bronchitis
    Queen Elizabeth; Queen Elizabeth died on March 24, 1603 of blood poisining
  • Modern English

    Modern English
    Modern English was introduced in the mid to late 17th century.
    James I ruled during the transition and got the idea for Modern Enlgish from the UK and Scottland. This finally let people read the bible and it be in English.