ELD 376 Timeline

  • Andrea's Birth

    (Personal Event)
  • Euro Introduced

    Euro Introduced
    (World Event)
    The euro was adopted as the new currency for the European Monetary Union
  • Columbine

    (US Event)
    One of the first major school shootings just before the start of the 21st century at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado
  • New Millennium

    New Millennium
    (World Event)
    The world celebrated the beginning of the 21st century
  • Jenna's Birth

    Jenna's Birth
    (Personal Event)
    Birth of my younger sister
  • 9/11

    (US Event)
    Terrorist planes crashed into the twin towers in the World Trade Center and The Pentagon leaving thousands dead
  • First Recital

    First Recital
    (Personal Event)
    I had my first dance recital
  • Facebook Launch

    Facebook Launch
    (World Event)
    Mark Zuckerberg launched the popular social networking service
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    (US Event)
    Category 5 hurricane that hit Louisiana and Florida resulting in catastrophic damage and thousands of deaths
  • Pluto Becomes Dwarf Planet

    Pluto Becomes Dwarf Planet
    (World Event)
    Scientists discovered that Pluto should be considered dwarf planet, denoting it from its initiation classification
  • iPhone Launch

    iPhone Launch
    (World Event)
    Apple released its first iPhone
  • President Barack Obama

    President Barack Obama
    (US Event)
    President Barack Obama is elected to office as the United State's first African American president
  • Danced in Disney World

    Danced in Disney World
    (Personal Event)
    I danced in Disney World down Main Street, for Steve Rushton, and in a Jonas Brothers flashmob for the annual Disney Christmas Day Parade which was televised
  • Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
    (World Event)
    Industrial disaster in the Gulf of Mexico by BP
  • Osama Bin Laden Death

    Osama Bin Laden Death
    (World Event)
    Announcement of death of Osama Bin Laden (leader and founder of Al-Qaeda) by US forces
  • Confirmation

    (Personal Event)
    I made my confirmation at my Catholic Church
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
    (US Event)
    Category 3 deadly Atlantic hurricane causing destructive damage in the North East
  • End of Mayan Calendar Cycle

    End of Mayan Calendar Cycle
    (World Event)
    The Mayan calendar had no further records past this date
  • Pope Benedict XVI Resigns

    Pope Benedict XVI Resigns
    (World Event)
    First time in history where a pope resigns since 1415
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    (US Event)
    Pressure cooker bombs went off at annual Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring hundreds
  • Malala Wins Nobel Peace Prize

    Malala Wins Nobel Peace Prize
    (World Event)
    Malala becomes the youngest person to ever receive the Nobel Peace Prize due to her fight for education for children
  • Same-Sex Marriage Legalized

    Same-Sex Marriage Legalized
    (US Event)
    Same-sex marriage becomes legal in all 50 states
  • License

    (Personal Event)
    I got my driver's license
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    (Personal Event)
    I graduated from high school
  • Started College

    Started College
    (Personal Event)
    Start of undergraduate degree as a double major in elementary education & multidisciplinary studies with minors in special education and middle school language arts
  • Donald Trump Election

    Donald Trump Election
    (US Event)
    Donald Trump was elected President over his opponent, Hillary Clinton
  • Study Abroad in Italy

    Study Abroad in Italy
    (Personal Event)
    I studied special education abroad in Rome and Florence
  • Total Solar Eclipse

    Total Solar Eclipse
    (US Event)
    First visible total eclipse since 1991 reaching coast-to-coast
  • Parkland Shooting

    Parkland Shooting
    (US Event)
    School shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida killing and injuring many students, leading to various gun control movements
  • Adopted Cat

    Adopted Cat
    (Personal Event)
    My family adopted our beloved cat, Taz