Education pic

Education timeline

  • Colonial America:Middle colonies

    Colonial America:Middle colonies
    variety of nationalities; variety of religions; groups establish own schools… backgrounds too diverse to have
    public schools
  • Colonial America

    Colonial America
    settlements of Jamestown, Plymouth, Providence, etc. brought European school philosophies and materials
  • Colonial America

    Colonial America
    Teacher Training: 1) white indentured servants bought passage to America agreeing to work as teachers to pay the debt, 2) apprenticeships -- studied under a schoolmaster for 10 years to become a schoolmaster
  • USA

    teaching materials = slate stone framed with wood; students wrote assignments on them vs. table paper; later made blackboards
  • Vermont: Reverend Hall

    Vermont: Reverend Hall
    first teacher training institution (normal school) in US; private school; entered right after elementary school;
    subjects similar to high school and had courses on pedagogy; did some student teaching
  • Massachusetts: Horace Mann

    Massachusetts: Horace Mann
    becomes first secretary for first state school board; helps spur educational awakening; establishes "common
    elementary schools" = basic education for all children
  • Pennsylvania

    First Boarding Schoolsfirst of 26 Indian boarding schools established to assimilate Native American children into the mainstream
    culture; the schools leave a controversial legacy
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    Plessy v. Ferguson -- ruled that "separate but equal" does not violate the 14th Amendment - implied political
    not social equality (decision later overturned in 1954)
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    California & Ohio

    first junior high schools established at Berkeley and Columbus to bridge gaps between elementary and college
    prep/skilled labor
  • California

    Alvarez v. Lemon Grove School District becomes the first successful school desegregation case; forbids the
    school district from placing Mexican-American children in a separate "Americanization" school
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    USA: B. F. Skinner

    publishes works on his behavioral theory focusing on outward behavior; students can be trained/conditioned to
    learn about anything a teacher desires…break down learning into small steps
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    new emphasis: physical fitness, character-education, tightening of educational standards, creativity enhanced,
    inter-age groupings, broad groupings of subject, pupil characteristics, gifted programs, foreign language
    instruction, experimental schools, development of diagnostic instruments for finding learning disabilities,
    additional school personnel hired (aides, counselors, social workers, school psychologists)
  • USA: National Education Association

    USA: National Education Association
    publishes Education for All American Youth ; schools should equip students for occupations prepare to assume
    citizenship responsibilities; give a fair chance in pursuit of happiness in mental/physical health; stimulate
    intellectual curiosity… think rationally; develop appreciation of ethical values
  • USA_Congress

    Indian Education Act passes; designed to help Native Americans help themselves serving their unique needs
  • USA

    The Apple II computer introduced as one of the first personal computers; it becomes popular in schools
  • USA: Congress

    USA: Congress
    the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) passes to hold states more accountable for student performance based
    on annual assessments but gives schools more flexibility in meeting federal regulations