Education Reform Movement

By cats123
  • State-Supported Universities appear in the South

    • University of North Carolina -important becuase up until 1795 most of the colleges that were in the United States were private denominational liberal arts colleges which lacked in educational value
  • Second Great Awakening

    • Led to the establishment of small denominational liberal Arts colleges.
    • laid the foundation of school systems throughout the Unites States.
  • 1821 Troy Female Seminary founded by Emma Willard

    -This was allowed women the opportunity to continue thier education to the secondary level
    - had to chance to have an education equal to that of men
  • Period: to

    Education Reform Movement

  • Lyceums Lecture Associations flourish

    • allowed for talented speakers to preach and educate the towns they traveled through. -Speakers lectured on topics such as science, literarture, and moral philosophy.
    • spreads cultural ideas to different regions
  • Oberlin College opens its doors to women and African Americans

    • further allowed women as well as African Americans to get an education past the primary leve
    • shocked traditionalist of the time period.