Education of English Language Learners

  • Mendez v West

    A dad fights for the right for his childen to attend a white school in california. These California schools were segregating spanish speaking mexican americans and on June 19, 1947 the court ruled in his favor and on that day the governor prohiibited all schools in california to segregate.
  • Title VI of the Civil Rights act of 1964

    This made it illegal to discriminate against people based on their race, color, or national origin. This ended racial segregation in schools and at the workplace.
  • May 25 Memorandum of 1970

    States that not being able to understand and speak english should not keep you from getting effective participation in the educational programs offered by a school district. School districts must take the correct measures to correct the language deficiency in order to open instructional program to these students.
  • Supreme Court rulings and their impact on bilingual education

    Lau v. Nichols
    This was a case filed by chinese parents in California who felt their children were being denied an education due to the lack of their english.The supreme court ruled in the favor of the parents because they were not getting an effective opportunity to participate in educational systems. School districts must provide eduactional programs that non english proficient can achieve the english language skills.
  • Equal Educational Opportunities Act

    States that you cant deny educational opportunity based on peoples sex, color, or national origin
  • Rio vs Reed

    A Puerto rican family in New York fellt that Pastchogue medford school district transitional bilingual program was mostly in english and theyre children were being stripped of of their equal educational opportunity by not recieving instruction in spanish.
  • Castaneda v Pickard

    Raymondville independent school district was charged with failing to address the needs of ELL students mandated by the EEOA. The court than developed a set of standards to rule a schools district compliance with EEOA. This lead to testing educational services on whether the program is based on sound educational theory, if its implemented effectively witht the right resources, and if the results can be determined as filing the goal of overcoming the students language boundaries.
  • Pyler v Doe

    The Supreme court ruled that illegal immigrant children did not have to pay for public school education in the district they lived in. This related to the 14th amendment of the United States Constitution.
  • United States v State of Texas

    State Educational agencies are required by law to set guidelines in relation to services provided to limited -english students and to make sure those guidelines are audited and enforced.
  • Gomez v Illinois

    US Courts of appeals for the 7th circuit gave state boards of education the power to force on compliance with the EEOA to make sure that language minoirty students needs are being met.