Education Historical Timeline

  • Formation of the first State Board of Education

    Formation of the first State Board of Education
    The first State Board of Education was established in Massachusetts. The board was created in an attempt to form a unified state school system. Horace Mann was the first Secratery of Education of the Massachusetts State Board of Education, he wanted to create a public education that is available to everyone.
  • Formation of the National Education Association (NEA)

    Formation of the National Education Association (NEA)
    The NEA was created to improve the profession of teaching and to create a single popular education within the United States of America.
  • Brown v. Board

    Brown v. Board
    In 1868 the Supreme Court determined that separate but equal facilities for African Americans were allowed as long as the facilities were equal to one another. In the Brown v. Board case the Supreme Court overturned their 1868 decision because the separate facilities were unequal from one another. This made it possible for African American children to attend previously all white schools.
  • PL 94-142

    PL 94-142
    A law passed that gave a clear definition to children with disabilities. The law also ensured that all children with disabilities would receive basic rights when it came to their education.
  • The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
    The ESSA was an attempt by the government of holding states more accountable for the success of their school districts. The ESSA changed standards that must be taught in schools. It also implemented state testing of all children from 3rd to 8th grade.